Momo does Peace Corps


Hello from Tanzania!

Most folks who actually know me have known about this through Facebarf but I thought I would pop in here, while I still have wifi, to let the barfs in on the news.

About 8 months ago I started down a road to run down a dream of mine (a dream for the last 6 years anyway). I applied, interviewed, and was invited to serve in the United States Peace Corps, Tanzania. I took the entire week I was allotted to decide, to check the "yes" box, because once I say yes to something like this I am committed.

Fast-forward to today, I am sitting in a room in Dar es Salaam after about a week of travel, orientation, and crash-courses in kiswahili. In 2 days we will all move on to the capital city of Dodoma for 10 weeks of intensive training: skills for the specific program we are working in (I am in sustainable agriculture), learning how to integrate into Tanzanian life and culture, and more, more, more kiswahili.

After that, we will be sent to our village sites where we will stay (alone, yet not alone), try our best to integrate into the community, and facilitate projects that will (hopefully) help the people in the village/region.

Right now, all of us trainees are in the honeymoon phase, it's like we are on a vacation. This will change soon; we'll be living with strangers that will soon become our family, we'll live without electricity and running water, we'll get frustrated, lonely, and really want a burrito. But, I'll still have cellular service and interwebs now and again so I'll pop in to let y'all know what's up once in a while.

Why did I do it? I think you can all imagine why. How did I do it? I had to wait until my kitty-cat passed away, which she did do last year (FUCK cancer)...otherwise I had nothing holding me back. I knew if I didn't take advantage of the opportunity now, the chance might disappear. So here I sit in Dar, sweating buckets, happy as I've ever been in my life.



Proud Pissant Squid
That's so wonderful - many best wishes on your journey. Tanzania and the peace Corp are lucky to have you. :)


Unholy Blasphemies
Glad to have met you before you embarked on this journey! Very best wishes for a fun, rewarding experience :) I'll be looking forward to updates!


General Menace
Staff member
Holy cow...!

What a commitment :port

I bet it will change your view on the world forever in a most positive way.
Best wishes for a good experience. Do come back though.. :teeth


Well-known member
Best of luck Jeanette, and much admiration. Here's hoping it will work out the way you want. Looking forward to your stories!


Well-known member
mad respect for you, definitely an all or nothing commitment. wish I had bought the DR wheelset of you before you left.....:(


Rolls with it...
A good friend of mine joined the Peace Corp and did 2 and a half years in Tanzania in the 90's, he loved it, taught math & chemistry. Got real lucky, was at the US Embassy before leaving to come home about a week and a half before the terrorist attack.


Staff member
I'm super-impressed. Always wanted to do it, but am frankly very scared. Meant to try it right after college, but life got in the way--in a good way. At this point I might do it when I'm retired... Good luck to you!