Lumbar Radiculopathy


Well-known member
I've been having lower back pains for over ten years now, and it all started from pulling my back wrenching at work back in 99. I got it looked at before, doc said it was a strained muscle. Did some meds, and two weeks of PT (basically did some stretches, etc) and it kinda went away.

For years, I would have some pain on my lower back, but they were not too bad. I'll just take an aleve, stretch, and it would be fine. I have been working out, run, mountainbike, etc. and I'm still about 10 pounds over weight ( I love food and beer). My previous doctors always thought I was full of shit.

Three weeks ago, my lower back pain got a little intense, traveled to my right buttcheek, all the way down to the back of my right knee. People at work were saying that it's a sign of sciatica and I should get it looked at. Went to the new doc's office, he did some leg lifting in different angles, xray, and determined that I have Lumbar Radiculopathy and chronic back pain. Prescribed me some anti inflammatory, pain meds,and muscle relaxants. He won't do an MRI unless I lose control of my bladder or bowels. :nchantr

Just a little while ago, I had this episode of intense fucking pain on the lower back, and right buttcheek area. It was so bad that I had to take 2 5/350 norcos and a couple of gin and tonics just to keep myself from crying like a little girl.

Do any of you guys have a similar or the same condition? What do you do for pain relief and sleep? I hate the muscle relaxant coz it turns me into a zombie in the morning. I'm getting tired of drinking just to have some sleep.

I'm PUI and in pain. Pardon the grammar and spelling mistakes, please.


Veteran Knee Dragger
I've been dealing with lower back pain since April 2011.

I have learned a lot about it.

Here is what I have learned.

Sitting is one of the worse things for your back.

Pain management is most important. It will allow you to sleep and actually get rest. It will keep you from getting panicked about the pain. It will allow you to desire to do stuff, like ride, have sex, go hang with your buds.

I am not a Physician but since you have pain in the back and pain down the leg, butt, etc. I would bet you have a bulged disc or discs. Based on the description the discs involved will be the L4 L5 and S1, and likely bulged out to your left side causing narrowing to your right side and this allows bone and or tissue to just ever so lightly touch the nerve or nerves causing pain.

What to do right away that is cheap and easy.

Do not wear pants that are tight in the waist, so start wearing sweat pants. If you must wear pants then wear them loose and DO NOT CINCH YOUR BELT TIGHT, WEAR THE BELT LOOSE.

Make sure your bed is level. Go buy or borrow a 4 foot level. Also make sure your mattress is not sagged in the middle. Play around with your bed to see what helps your back. NOTE THAT WHAT HELPS NOW MIGHT CAUSE PAIN LATER SO REMEMBER AS YOUR BACK HEALS IT’S NEEDS WILL CHANGE. Try adding an egg create foam mattress topper or a stiff ½ thick stiff sleeping bag mat. Try adding blocks under the foot of the bed (this will provide light decompression to the lower back and cause compression to the upper back). Start with a piece of 2X4 and more if you find it helpful. Also try adding blocks to the right side of the bed (that would be your right arm side as you lay on your back). Try 18 inches of pillows under your legs.

No more wallet in the back pocket when sitting.

Make sure your shoes are not worn out causing your feet to role out of alignment. Consider insoles like Dr Scholl's.

Buy an exercise ball. There are many exercises you can do with it for the lower back. BUT THE MAIN THING I FOUND IT USEFUL FOR WAS BOUNCING. Yes, bounce on it for 5 minutes. Light bouncing, so your butt does not come off the ball. This will often reduce pain significantly and immediately, but only for short periods of time.

Now for the more difficult stuff.

Get a physical therapist to create and exercise plan for your back. It will involve core strengthening. Do it 2 or 3 times per week for one to two years. You should notice over all pain reduction after following it for 6 to 10 weeks.

I found this back stretch devise very helpful. $120 shipped to your door.. I recommend using just before bed. Brush your teeth, be all ready for bed, stretch for 15+ minutes and hop in bed. It decompresses the lower back and then buy laying in bed right afterward it allows the discs to stay decompressed for a longer period. You will want to have it set at 13 degrees for the lower back. Play around with the degrees, 10-15 is the range for the lower discs. The setting will be about 16 inches from the floor. I also did decompression therapy with my Chiropractor, which was really helpful but cost out of pocket $5,000. This is not the exact table but gives you an idea. If you choose to do it, research it or contact me.

Loose weight if you’re fat.

Purchase a good lower back brace. Look around, ask around, maybe your doctor has one he likes. Get one with the air bladders. BE VERY CAREFUL USING IT. Sounds strange, but it will protect the injured area, but the more you wear it the weaker the muscles will get which will result in an increased chance of causing greater injury. Wear it when lifting and sitting mostly, but it must be worn in coordination with exercising or under health providers direction.

If you drive a lot (i.e. commute) look at your car seat. Play around by adding lumbar back support, softening it or hardening it. See what works for you. Card board is cheap, so is a small piece of foam.


Pain meds generally work best once levels are built up in the body. Taking ibuprofen just in the evening is bad. Take it 4 to 6 times per day and for at least 4 days to see if it works. I recommend 1000mg 4 times per day for the first day (no more than 2 drinks). Then step it down to 600mg 6 times per day for three more days. You will know if it helpful by then. Always try to find the minimum effective dose. That could be 200mg 4 times per day. It is very important to take ibuprofen very regularly to see the maximum benefit.

Pain relievers are necessary in your type of situation. To give you an idea of how high you can go with them. When I crushed my ankle I was ordered to take 20 mg Norco (two 10mg Hydrocodone 325 mg APAP pills) 6 times per day. That’s 12 Norco or equivalent to 24 vicodin. Now vicodin should not exceed 8 per day unless supervised by your doctor because of the APAP. With any medication you might need time to acclimate to a high dose. I was a bumbling idiot for 3 weeks, then I came “out of the fog” and continued on that dose level for 4 months.

There are several pain relievers out there. Tell your doctor you want to find the best one for this pain and see if he/she is willing to let you try different ones. This would be samples or one week prescriptions.

If you take a narcotic pain reliever you will be very happy I am telling you to taper off the medication when your done needing it. I recommend a 3 week taper. Every few days halfing the dose, even if that means cutting the pill in half. Buy a pill cutter

Some people like me get “activated” by narcotics and need a sleeping pill when taking them.

Also be aware that your mood and frustration levels might be effected by narcotics, so watch your behavior and adjust it as necessary.


Veteran Knee Dragger
Almost forgot. My back pain is way reduced. Perhaps 5% as intense as the worse levels. I go to the gym 2 times per week for 2 hour work outs. I stretch with the back stretcher 2-3 times per week. I have tapered my Norco use to 2.5-1.25 mg per day. Yes I am quartering my pills. I like soft landings. :) I broke my collar bone years back and took Norco. I forget the dose, but after 4 weeks I didn't have pain so I stopped taking the pills. After 6 days of itching, unable to concentrate, not sleeping I realized I was having classic with drawl symptoms. Usually those pass after 7 days - 21 days. Mine passed in 7 days, but pure hell.


Well-known member
I've been having lower back pains for over ten years now, and it all started from pulling my back wrenching at work back in 99. I got it looked at before, doc said it was a strained muscle. Did some meds, and two weeks of PT (basically did some stretches, etc) and it kinda went away.

For years, I would have some pain on my lower back, but they were not too bad. I'll just take an aleve, stretch, and it would be fine. I have been working out, run, mountainbike, etc. and I'm still about 10 pounds over weight ( I love food and beer). My previous doctors always thought I was full of shit.

Three weeks ago, my lower back pain got a little intense, traveled to my right buttcheek, all the way down to the back of my right knee. People at work were saying that it's a sign of sciatica and I should get it looked at. Went to the new doc's office, he did some leg lifting in different angles, xray, and determined that I have Lumbar Radiculopathy and chronic back pain. Prescribed me some anti inflammatory, pain meds,and muscle relaxants. He won't do an MRI unless I lose control of my bladder or bowels. :nchantr

Just a little while ago, I had this episode of intense fucking pain on the lower back, and right buttcheek area. It was so bad that I had to take 2 5/350 norcos and a couple of gin and tonics just to keep myself from crying like a little girl.

Do any of you guys have a similar or the same condition? What do you do for pain relief and sleep? I hate the muscle relaxant coz it turns me into a zombie in the morning. I'm getting tired of drinking just to have some sleep.

I'm PUI and in pain. Pardon the grammar and spelling mistakes, please.

Sounds all too familiar, but at least Kaiser did the MRI thing to find out right away.

I have a really good Chiropractor that sorted me out.

My 'cure', in order of effectiveness:

1. New seat for the car. Got a Corbeau semi-race seat (the A4). It holds me by the ribcage and take the weight off my spine. It was $300 and an hour to fit, best damn investment I ever made. Don't think they sell them singly anymore - tho I didn't buy direct, that might be why.

2. Swapped to a Tempurpedic-topped mattress.

3. Regular chiro care.

4. Lose weight.

5. No drinking close to bedtime - pretty sure whatever crappy leftovers after my liver breaks down alcohol, ends up in my disks as they soak up whatever is in my plasma at night. This is just a guess, but I'm in markedly more pain if I've had a few close to lights-out.

6. Careful use of NSAIDS.

7. Sounds like you have the working out figured out, but for me, stretching my Psoas made a hooge difference - just do the box splits stretch several times a day, and stretch your quads.


Eschew Obfuscation
I've been having lower back pains for over ten years now, and it all started from pulling my back wrenching at work back in 99. I got it looked at before, doc said it was a strained muscle. Did some meds, and two weeks of PT (basically did some stretches, etc) and it kinda went away.

For years, I would have some pain on my lower back, but they were not too bad. I'll just take an aleve, stretch, and it would be fine. I have been working out, run, mountainbike, etc. and I'm still about 10 pounds over weight ( I love food and beer). My previous doctors always thought I was full of shit.

Three weeks ago, my lower back pain got a little intense, traveled to my right buttcheek, all the way down to the back of my right knee. People at work were saying that it's a sign of sciatica and I should get it looked at. Went to the new doc's office, he did some leg lifting in different angles, xray, and determined that I have Lumbar Radiculopathy and chronic back pain. Prescribed me some anti inflammatory, pain meds,and muscle relaxants. He won't do an MRI unless I lose control of my bladder or bowels. :nchantr

Just a little while ago, I had this episode of intense fucking pain on the lower back, and right buttcheek area. It was so bad that I had to take 2 5/350 norcos and a couple of gin and tonics just to keep myself from crying like a little girl.

Do any of you guys have a similar or the same condition? What do you do for pain relief and sleep? I hate the muscle relaxant coz it turns me into a zombie in the morning. I'm getting tired of drinking just to have some sleep.

I'm PUI and in pain. Pardon the grammar and spelling mistakes, please.

Yeah, I went down that same progression in June of last year. Back pain, sciatic pain, the whole mess.

I tried to handle it myself by stretching, etc. Know this: Some stretches and exercises will help, others will make it worse. Get a QUALIFIED person to tell you which is which for your condition.

Turns out it was one herniated disc (Lumbar Radiculopathy), pinched sciatic nerve and one bulging disc.

Because I took the pigheaded route and tried to tough it out, I wound up spending a week in the hospital, catheterized and completely unable to move. Followed by another week at home before I could even move around with a walker. It was another month before I could go back to work.

The pain was absolutely indescribable - you have my sympathy.

Mark and Ian have posted a lot of helpful advice, but I'd temper it again by saying every issue is different, and get professional advice as well.

That being said, the most crucial thing to remember with disc injuries is no BLT - no Bending no Lifting, no Twisting. That should be your new mantra.


"Insignificant Other"
I had something similar going on except the pain radiated down my left leg. My doc did the same about not wanting to do the MRI because it was expensive. I ended up fucked up for a while. I later wished that I would have told the doc to fuck off and found another doc that would have gotten me an MRI earlier.

Mine kep getting worse until one point, I ended up on the floor of my living in so much pain that I couldn't move. I ended up in the hospital where the ER staff shot me up with High doses of every pain killer they had, and it still didn't help.

Thankfully, they pulled in Dr. Jason Lifshutz for a consult. He scheduled an MRI and saw that my disk between L4 and L5 had slipped and popped putting pressure on the nerve that went down my left leg. It was so bad that I lost most of the feeling in my left leg. It was just dragging behind me when I walked.

So, the doc scheduled a 'lamenectomy' to remove the disk. I remember high-fiving him when I woke up from surgery because it was the first time my back didn't hurt in years. In a couple weeks, I was back at work without pain.

Looking back at it, I swear that one of the chiropractors I went to made it worse along the way. Getting the MRI early woulda told me exactly what the problem was from the start.


Well-known member

Thank you so much for all the advice. I really appreciate it. I feel so dumb for not taking this seriously a while back. Mark - I will pm you with more questions soon.

I will have another talk with my doctor on Monday and a the physical therapist. I ended up taking two more muscle relaxants, slept on the floor, with two pillows under my leg. I literally just woke up.

The back pain feels tolerable at the moment, but I'm so afraid it will flare up again later and kick me in the ass.

Gnarly Cranium

milk crate goes where?
1. New seat for the car. Got a Corbeau semi-race seat (the A4). It holds me by the ribcage and take the weight off my spine. It was $300 and an hour to fit, best damn investment I ever made. Don't think they sell them singly anymore - tho I didn't buy direct, that might be why.
Goddamn. You can put those seats in front of a desk. That's pretty sexy.

My back constantly hurts, has for years and I'm only 31. I'm a 3D animator, so I spent 8+ hours a day at a desk, and right now I have a truly shitty chair. I don't think there's anything majorly physically tweaked in it yet, it's just the bad posture, but it's sure going to BECOME worse problems if I can't find a decent fucking chair.

Oh and a decent bed. I have this lumpy cot right now with a shitty old futon mattress.

Being a poor student is the suck.


Eschew Obfuscation
I had something similar going on except the pain radiated down my left leg. My doc did the same about not wanting to do the MRI because it was expensive. I ended up fucked up for a while. I later wished that I would have told the doc to fuck off and found another doc that would have gotten me an MRI earlier.

Yep. Sucks that costs dictate what are the right diagnostic tools.

Protip: I'm not advocating gaming the system per-se, but if you mention that you're unable to take a squirt, you'll get that MRI pronto.

The downside of that tactic is that shortly after that you'll likely wind up with a tube the size of a garden hose shoved none too gently up your johnson. :laughing

Ask me how I know. :|

Looking back at it, I swear that one of the chiropractors I went to made it worse along the way.

I don't doubt that a bit. I got a fair amount of advice that did more harm than good. Some of it from people that should have known better.


"Insignificant Other"
Yeah, it's kinda funny that I had this discussion at dinner tonight with an actual MD. She is also experiencing some back issues. I told her that I believed that one of the chiro's I went to probably made things worse. She gave me this weird look while she asked why I even went to a chiro. I had to think about it, but I eventually told her that when you're in that kind of pain, you will try almost any remedy that promises to make the pain go away. I woulda gone to a freaking voodoo guy if there were one in the area.


Well-known member
Yeah, it's kinda funny that I had this discussion at dinner tonight with an actual MD. She is also experiencing some back issues. I told her that I believed that one of the chiro's I went to probably made things worse. She gave me this weird look while she asked why I even went to a chiro. I had to think about it, but I eventually told her that when you're in that kind of pain, you will try almost any remedy that promises to make the pain go away. I woulda gone to a freaking voodoo guy if there were one in the area.

Yeah, have to say, finding a GOOD chiro is hard. I've been to 7 alternate ones apart from 'my' chiropractor.

5 did nothing.

2 made things worse.

The name of mine is Dr. Ross Ali.

I also have a tweaked C6-C7 disk from a MTB accident - was partially paralysed down my left arm.

I went to see him, and did PT with Kaiser at the same time.

The PT doc at Kaiser asked what I was doing to recover so fast - I told him exactly the manipulations Dr. Ali was doing, and he basically said, 'Carry on seeing him, he's going more for you than we have time to do here'.

But I do understand that that's rare.

From time to time, I'll sleep on my neck funny and can't even turn my head. I go see him, and walk out perfectly straight and with full motion regained.


Mama bike
My back constantly hurts, has for years and I'm only 31. I'm a 3D animator, so I spent 8+ hours a day at a desk, and right now I have a truly shitty chair. I don't think there's anything majorly physically tweaked in it yet, it's just the bad posture, but it's sure going to BECOME worse problems if I can't find a decent fucking chair.

Try an exercise ball instead of a chair.


Well-known member
Be careful with the NSAIDS (Advil, Aleve, etc.); you could end up with an ulcer.

THIS. 15 years of taking 4 advil every 4 hours and my stomach is a mess. Acupuncture, massage, TENS machine, and proper pain management. I now get an antacid RX with every prescription because of the years of torture. Take a little care now and follow the adage, an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure :thumbup

Good luck!


Well-known member
I'm in the same boat as all of us posting in the thread. The hardest thing is standing still when the spinal compression takes over which makes the nerve say fuuuuck you and the sciatica kicks in. If I move a little bit while standing it's ok. I can walk ok for about 1/2 block then it kicks in again and I'm gimping. On a bad day I'll pop 1600mg of ibuprophen.

Here's a friend's airport exciter alternative that she had performed 3 months ago. She can now almost bend over and pick things off the floor, so her recovery is coming along nicely. So sad that she needed it at 42 but she is 100% elated that the pain is gone. Recovery pains yes but not the constant burning and stabs as before.

Other than the scar from her ass up to the middle of her back she's doing exceptionally well. At least they glued the incision as opposed to umpteen staples which will go a long way to minimize scarring.


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matt fe2o3

He won't do an MRI unless I lose control of my bladder or bowels. :nchantr

Four words: Get another doctor fast.

When the Kaiser ER Dr. told me my primary care physician was an asshole (exact words), a light finally went off. Called Kaiser, transfered to general practice in SF (Geary/Divis). They got me to spine guy and MRI.

Will never see another Pakistani or Indian doctor, but that's another story.

Good luck and get another Dr.

PS: when you get scheduled for an MRI it may be fairly far out. Find out where the MRI station is and call them daily for cancellations. That can speed up the diagnostics by weeks (or even a month or two).


Well-known member
Funny you mentioned this. This was my actual first visit with this Doctor because my old pcp would ignore my lower back pain complaints! I will see the PT tomorrow morning, and I scheduled an appt with my pcp Tuesday afternoon. I will just ask him the reason why he won't send me out to get an MRI and just be direct with me. I hate being in pain,and walking thru the garage and seeing my snowboards, motorcycles, and mountainbikes just puts me in a depressed mood with all this amazing weather we've been having lately. :thumbdown:thumbdown:thumbdown

Four words: Get another doctor fast.

When the Kaiser ER Dr. told me my primary care physician was an asshole (exact words), a light finally went off. Called Kaiser, transfered to general practice in SF (Geary/Divis). They got me to spine guy and MRI.

Will never see another Pakistani or Indian doctor, but that's another story.

Good luck and get another Dr.

PS: when you get scheduled for an MRI it may be fairly far out. Find out where the MRI station is and call them daily for cancellations. That can speed up the diagnostics by weeks (or even a month or two).


Pissant Squid
Mark (canyon) , I'd be careful about advising someone to take more than recommended dosages of drugs, either non-narcotic or narcotic. But I'm an experimenter myself, whenever I'm on something my doc gives me, I adjust up or down as my needs change (amateur pbarmacuetical researcher!). As for coming off the Norcos or Vics, I just cold turkey it, my arms will twitch in bed for 1 night and that's it.

And my doctor is an Indian woman, and I have complete faith in her.


Well-known member
It's official, my L4 and L5 looked like a mess. Got the MRI two weeks ago, and an appointment with a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation doctor. She gave me Nortryptiline for the nerve pain, and my pcp upped my Hydrocodone to 7.5/325. Doing core exercises 3 times a week, no bending, lifting, twisting. I do a lot of walking. The pain gets me when I sit down. Played a local par 3 9-hole this morning, and developed a swing without stressing my back. It's effective, but weak. I felt great, until now. I am in freaking PAIN! No golf for A LONG WHILE for me. I know, I should have known better, but the watching the Masters on tv made me itch so bad.

Now, I'm debating the long term fix. My PM&R suggested I get an epidural for the pain, but I declined for the reason that If I don't feel the pain, I will end up doing more damage to my back by doing more stupid things. I can't take pain pills forever.

Is there even a permanent fix for this? My PM&R also mentioned surgery, but kind of iffy about it. I need to call my doctor and discuss this issue. In the meantime, what do you think? Anyone of you have had it done? Pros, cons? Did you get back to 100% after you had it done?