Is craigslist old school for finding a roomie?


Well-known member
* I have posted in barf classifieds*
Where are the kids looking for apts these days. Have an ad up for days with not 1 email. Zillow? I think I’m officially old school lol


Merely Rhetorical
That's a good question because I have my whole house up for much less than twice your asking for a room, but it's not in SF.

I haven't gone with Zillow or BARF though.


I love Da Whores
I found a good room tenant on CL, once.
When I put an ad on CL, I got flakes.
But when I searched the Rooms Wanted ads, I messaged people whose ads, were well written and thought out.
John stayed 18 months with never a problem. He was an Army Vet, and educated. He got transferred back to Houston.
We remain friends.
Good luck!