I'm bored at work


Well-known member
...so I thought I'd spend more valuable company time. I dunno, but I think Family Guy on Fox is hilarious. I would, since I also find South Park, the Simpsons, Futureama, and King of the Hill (sometimes) amusing also. I've always enjoyed wacky animated comedies and can appreciate it when it's brought to primetime TV.

Laughing out loud can be some good medicine


Shotline For Mod
I agree except Futureama. Just didn't like it for some reason. Don't get me wrong. It has it's moments but over all... eh.


Well-known member
man i love those cartoons, family guy gets away with so much risque shit. futurama is aight compared to king of the hill, simpsons, and the family guy, which are butt booty funny


Well-known member
Simpson is the best!! i remember watching that when it first came out like a decade ago. Family guy is also hella funny esp stewie


Well-known member
I remember way back when the Simpson's were crudely drawn clips aired on the Tracey Ullman show. I still haven't broken down to drop 25 bones for the anniversary DVD. They're on everyday as reruns, and there's supposed to be a marathon on UPN this Saturday


Well-known member
Family Guy is the shit! Simpsons is cool too and I've been watching since it aired on the TUS. I even know they had some cuts/edits in some eps of Simpsons running on UPN compared to when they were running new on FOX. Futurama I didn't really get into. Maybe I was expecting a futuristic Simpsons. :rolleyes Billy West should go back on Howard.

King of the Hill i'm not really into. I liked Beavis and Butthead better when I caught a few eps at someone's house.

I loved that Xmas Southpark vid I saw but all the other ones I've seen didn't leave me in stitches as it did when I 1st saw it. It was a novelty thing for me and got old pretty quick. :rolleyes

Now if you're talking about Japanese Anime, I could give you a whole list of kickass stuff. :D For those that have Cartoon Network, Cowboy Bebop is da shiat. I don't have cable but I know it's on CN and I've seen the Japanese ver.