I Hate Thieves....

Not too big of a deal, but I noticed today on my way out of work, that some fucking knobgobbler stole the Yamaha sweatband that I had on my brake fluid reservoir...


/\ One of those....

What the fuck? 20 bucks later after shipping prices I've got two more on the way, just in case the next one gets stolen too...fucking thieves. :thumbdown

That is all. /bitch

Mille Racer 69

Axe Wielding Maniac
Fuckin liers and theives I have no remorse for.
especially when it gets taken off your bike.
There is the nwritten rule that everyone knows, you dont mess with someones bike.
I would go medieval on those bitches if they took something off my bike.


WuTang is 4 the children
Back in the day every time I went up to Canada some Canuck bastage would swipe my Jack in the Box antenna topper :mad