FBI Shooting Range


Merely Rhetorical
If today's 9mm perform as well as yesterday's .40, then today's .40 must take the head clean off...

a long while ago I got hold of some police issue teflon coated +p. Back then they were impressive.


If today's 9mm perform as well as yesterday's .40, then today's .40 must take the head clean off...

And therein lies the rub. Any advancements to 9mm also apply to .40SW and .45ACP. The .45ACP round was poo-pooed because of limits in barrier penetration.
I haven’t seen any follow up information, but I’d rather have more capable pistol ammunition and use a long gun for barrier penetration anyway.

There’s no one ammunition for every job.


Member #294
I agree. There have been/are trade offs- each must find what works best for them for the task at hand- be it individual or agency. Its why there is more than one vendor, make, model of weapon and ammo. Find your own secret sauce.