

I act my shoe size
pacheco ca, felt it light at first, then a heavy shake. poor kitteh flipped out running full sprint

and i was watching tremors at the time, true story


Well-known member
I was already awake, I didn't feel a thing. I went to the bathroom, and my Wife was up and said "ALL of the dogs wanted to go potty". So, they were reacting to it.


tastes like burning
Northern Santa Clara, seemed to last pretty long, 5-10 seconds maybe, not a particularly massive shake but definitely unnerving.


Coastie who high fives
Everyone okay? On the east coast right now but spouse called and peeps in Alameda felt it pretty good from what I’m told.


Well-known member
Very short but a hard jolt, felt like only 5 seconds of hard but some pre-shaking. I live about 8 miles from where it was centered.


Cream Puff???
I felt it here in pacheco for just a couple of seconds. Shook the house. Woke right before it happened. Weird.


Free Dickbutt
Was awake while it happened. Immediately after, my lady and I debated on what our exit route would be in the event of a stronger earthquake. My vote was out the window (we have a pergola on that side of the house so it's not a far drop down), she thinks it's safer to go through the house. We have two young kids (6 months and 3.5 years) who both sleep in our room. Thoughts?


Well-known member
The scene in some kitchens this morning.. :laughing
