Dozer hits a bridge


Well-known member
This machine just arrived at my workplace after a rough start in life. Trailer was a little too tall! Now the fun of finding concealed damage and making an estimate begins.


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Well-known member
The trailer was totalled and the truck didn't fair too well either. I was back there a couple of weeks ago and saw the bridge. The bottom edge is pretty bent, but the road above is still open.


At my first job we were using these chip testers that went for couple mil a pop, plus a loader that was few hundred K. Since same were used during manufacturing, they were at a premium. During a new chip first power on and ramp up we were sent one so we could debug failures. It ended up as bunch of debris on I5 when truck that was delivering it ended up over turned in a ditch.


Wow! I spent a lot of time working with D8's and D9's and never seen one knocked up that badly. Someone is probably going to lose their job. :laughing


Staff member
We had permitted loads hit bridges. Sometimes the permit folks have bad clearance info or they screw up.

"My dad's a TV repairman. He's got an awesome set of tools! We can fix it!"


Well-known member
I used to work at a Concrete delivery company. One day, a driver wedged his truck under 280 near Bird. They had to deflate all the tires to pull it out. Then use starter fluid to refill the tires.

For the longest time, he had the truck with a giant flat spot on his mixer.