Disposing of motorcycle tires


Well-known member
I took a few used motorcycle tires to my local landfill today. In the past I pay the $2 per tire and they go into a container with all the other tires to be recycled or whatever. Today I pay the $2 per tire, then I’m told to just toss them in with the regular trash. I thought that was odd, but went ahead and did it anyway. The guys at the dump said it’s a new thing that motorcycle tires just go in the trash now. Here’s my issue. We pay a CA disposal fee for each tire purchased new, then again when they are disposed of. Why are the fees needed when the tires now go in with household trash? I now it’s just a few bucks here and there for me, but the state is collecting money from all of us. Something doesn’t add up. Anyone else have a similar experience?


47% parasite 53% ahole
That does sound sketchy. I get 5 FREE! tires per year at my landfill, but they don't write it down or anything. I tell the guy I have tires, he tells me where to dump them.


not Stan
U shouldn’t be paying the disposal fee twice. If u didn’t dismount old tires when u buy new, don’t pay the fee.

I take my tires to the local tire shop. It’s way closer than the dump.


Well-known member
We get 4 tires per year but have to all to let them know they need to be picked up. Put them out on trash day. I always tell them they are motorcycle tires and are smaller then car tires and they let me put 6 out there. My neighbors will also let me use they’re allotment.


Well-known member
Here in NC, we get two tires daily at the local recycle center.

Anyway, at first guess, it sounds like your recycle dude is pocketing the cash and chucking tires into regular trash to throw off the money trail. If there are no tires in the container, then why should there have been fees collected, if ya know what I mean.


Well-known member
if that is the case, Im taking my sawsall and cutting mine into piece and tossing the straight to the trash.


Well-known member
Any chance the trash is sorted at another location and the tires pulled out? Is it a landfill or a transfer station?


Well-known member
I find it not plausible that a municipality would put tires of n a landfill
Not in the Bay area


Well-known member
I’m up in Nevada County, but it still felt wrong tossing them into the regular trash area. Some old man was yelling at me that tires don’t go in the trash, the worker told him it was ok. I won’t have any to get rid of for a while, so I’m sure it will have changed again next time.