Curious how this worked


Well-known member
So, I'm going to just say that this happened twice in the past two days, and curious how it worked.

The first incident, I'm heading home, gridlocked rush hour traffic, creeping along.

Along the shoulder comes a CHP vehicle. He proceeds to cut in to the traffic a couple cars up, pulls in behind an F-150, lights him up and pulls him over.

The second incident, another day, another freeway, gridlocked traffic.

A BMW car is heading on down the shoulder. Pops in to traffic occasionally, but then pops out continuing on the shoulder.

At least 10-15 minutes later (yea, it's that kind of traffic), we see a CHP cruiser heading down the shoulder, but he vanished in the distance.

Later, we saw that he did, indeed, pull over that BMW. (JUSTICE!)

So, my curiosity is piqued about how something like that BMW (and I assume the F-150 earlier) was tracked to be able to be culled out of crushing traffic like a rogue steer in a stampede. Especially so long after the incident.

Clearly, the vehicles weren't "going anywhere", they're stuck like all the rest. But how they were tracked. In the first incident was the CHP just fishing along the line of traffic hoping to find the F-150, or did he know he was actually there? In this case, it's a 4 lane road, the right two lanes are crushed with traffic towards one eastbound interchange, the left two lanes are typically wide open for the westbound interchange -- how did he know the F-150 didn't go west?

I dunno if there was air support involved or not. This was in So Cal.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I’m not CHP and we don’t do much like this with my Agency, but I have done something similar where I was either off duty or in my unmarked... but called in because I witnessed some bad driving and a marked unit nabbed the car...


Riddle me this.
First one - you probably passed CHP when he was on the shoulder and didn't realize it. I easily see cell phones and registration sticker and window tint violations 3 lanes over with traffic doing 5-10mph.

Second one - 10 minutes later? That's a long time. Likely not the same CHP. Or air overhead. There's always air overhead in LA.


Well-known member
There's also spotters. I would assume esp. in SoCal with the designated carpool dy lane that there was a CHP "spotter" and radio'd it in. Then, another CHP within that proximity can go chase it down having the license plate/car description.

Just my two cents.