Crashed a month ago - 4 broken ribs, and a broken thumb


Well-known member
I remembered that you were running some rain tires on your husky and I found your for sale thread.........then I stumbled upon this:

ouch.......that sucks! So how you healing anyways?

What was it like riding those conti rain tires? There is a set for $150 near my house.

I didn't crash on my Husky with the rain tires.. but a set for $150 is a great deal! I would get those mounted in the fall and ride the through the winter months.

My ribs are 100% healed, but my thumb had some pins put in, and right now i'm going through PT hell. I've only got 45 degree motion--still swollen and in pain, and i'm not supposed to ride.. The SMC was too difficult to ride in my state, so I sold it and accelerated my plans to get my final bike. A bike that I can just cruise on and not do anything *too* stupid..

feel better Stan.

Thanks man! I hope to see you again in the hills sometime.


Well-known member
Sorry to tell you this Stan, but a few years later, weekend full of shenanigans, and my thumb is swollen to the wrist. Might as well enjoy the pain :thumup (<<< if you can)

Ice, rest, repeat. Can I take you out soon? :devil


Well-known member
Sorry to tell you this Stan, but a few years later, weekend full of shenanigans, and my thumb is swollen to the wrist. Might as well enjoy the pain :thumup (<<< if you can)

Ice, rest, repeat. Can I take you out soon? :devil

oh man, looks like i'm in it for the long haul.

Yeah, i'll call you soon - let's get together!:party