Covid kills another Business * edit changes business plan to survive*


General Menace
Staff member
That sucks.... good guys.

Drive by every day.

** Edit - they have changed their business plan and are doing what they have to do to survive.
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Well-known member
Got this as text:

J&M Motorsports is somewhat happy to announce that while we will no longer sell bikes to the public, we're continuing our business as a wholesale dealer. We'll still take your bike on consignment, we still buy bikes, we're still located on Old Middlefield Road, next door to where you've always known us, so keep bringing us your bikes! We thank the NorCal riding community for the years of support and camaraderie, and we urge you to support our partners stores in the years to come.
Joe & Mark


Well-known member
Here is a message from J&M:

One chapter ends, another begins...
Remember the great toilet paper shortage of 2020? Turns out it applied to motorcycles, too. J&M Motorsports is somewhat happy to announce that while we will no longer sell bikes to the public, we’re continuing our business as a wholesale dealer.
Wait, what? Yes, we’ll still take consignments from customers (you!), still buy your bikes, still do amazing work on them, but then sell them to partner stores instead of the general public. After 13 years in the retail business, COVID hit us hard and supply dried up everywhere. (See, we knew everyone secretly wanted more time to start riding.) Our ability to survive as a retail business was compromised, so we’re doing the next best thing and pivoting to a wholesale dealership.
We’re still located on Old Middlefield Road, next door to where you’ve always known us, so keep bringing us your bikes to sell knowing they’ll get the royal treatment from our team of mechanics and staff.
We thank the NorCal riding community for the years of support and camaraderie, and we urge you to support our partners stores in the years to come.

Joe & Mark