Can't unmount a filesystem?


Staff member
I was recently working w/ NFS restores from a tape drive. When I went to unmount the filesystem from the client machine it refused to let me do so. I thought for sure I'd end up having to reboot the machine as some service seemed to have some bizarre problem.

The next day, my "root" session having expired in my shell, I realized that as the unpriveleged user 'scole' my cwd was /mnt/whatever, the same one I had been trying to unmount. I had switched to root from there and my prompt, therefore, didn't tell me I was actually in that directory.

Realizing my fumble I quickly conducted a test session to determine how I might know this was the problem in the future. Sure enough, 'lsof' was able to tell me WHO was in that dir (the unpriveleged shell, in this case).

I guess it's one of those things where you just want to say 'duh' once you figure it out, but it's not so entirely obvious when you're in the midst of the situation.


Well-known member
LOL Steve look at the views of this thread compaired to replys! Just take linux off:twofinger I don't think your going to find answers here.


Experienced, not Skilled
So you mounted your filesystem? But now you're stuck and can't unmount it? Kinky. Try calling the fire dept. They can probably separate you from your filesystem. :p

R roku

Well-known member
hehehe, you guys are turkeys!!! j/k Steve please keep the penguin forum up, god knows i could use some of your help here from time to time..


Experienced, not Skilled
theSteveCo said:
Don't get me started about the difficulty in mounting floppies. :twofinger

Sounds like a personal problem. :twofinger
Have you tried the little blue pill? :laughing