Berryessa breakfast burrito Saturday 12/9?


Senor Stew Padasso
I’m thinking about a spirited run from cordelia Starbucks to turtle rock for a kick ass breakfast burrito. Kickstands up about 10. I’m open on time, just have to be at turtle rock before noon for breakfast. After that I’m open to a trip around the lake, maybe a run up 29 into middletown or whatever. Stressing SPIRITED pace, not newbie friendly at all. Post up if you’re in otherwise I won’t go to Starbucks at all :thumbup


Senor Stew Padasso
Are you going on Sunday? I’m still up in the air about Sunday I’m making sure I at least get some riding in this weekend


I’m thinking about a spirited run from cordelia Starbucks to turtle rock for a kick ass breakfast burrito. Kickstands up about 10. I’m open on time, just have to be at turtle rock before noon for breakfast. After that I’m open to a trip around the lake, maybe a run up 29 into middletown or whatever. Stressing SPIRITED pace, not newbie friendly at all. Post up if you’re in otherwise I won’t go to Starbucks at all :thumbup

Hey Donglee, How are the road at lakeberryessa? anything we should expect this saturday, havent been there for a few months now. :afm199 thanks!


Senor Stew Padasso
Roads were as usual but it didn’t warm up until noon or one. Better dress for the cold in the morning


gone for now
It's fairly far from there, but there was quite a bit of frost on the road on Skaggs at 11am Sunday. Be prepared.


Senor Stew Padasso
It is a bit colder out there and I could see it getting a little sketchy back in the shaded areas of Skaggs. Good looking out though :thumbup