Arrr matey, thar be parrots in here

Gnarly Cranium

milk crate goes where?
Car hit a tree on Embarcadero. Nest full of wild parrots fall down go boom. Main rehabber for the local conures was out of town for the weekend, so my roomie ended up with the 2 survivors for a couple days till the rehabber gets back tomorrow morning. One (all green) had a broken leg + difficulty breathing, and had to go to supportive care at the vet today, the other (red hat) spent most of today climbing all over me and chewing on my hair (and earrings, which I gotta say is a bit terrifying!). Apparently for a variety of reasons it's very unlikely that they can be released back to their family, so they'll probably end up as pets. They're probably about 4 weeks, so a very good age for adoption, and needing a lot of love. Still young enough to basically fear nothing, they hardly make a sound (this will change!!) and tolerate nearly anything. Sortof heartbreaking really, how trusting they are. Momma is probably worried sick. :( in vid is roomie, not me)


My wife's college landlord had an African Grey. She hated that bird but it sure did love her. It would stomp around the house and chase her into the bathroom where she'd lock the door until it went away. Funniest thing I've ever seen. :laughing



Well-known member
I'd love to get one of those. Such an amazing bird.

Amazing pain in the butts too :laughing We had one and that thing was pure evil with a 200 word vocabulary. Could mimic our phone just to get us in the house when we were outside working. Mimicked the wife to a tee and use to call my name from the back of the house. Would think it was her only to find the bird sitting there laughing :laughing

Our Muluccan Cockatoo became very jealous of it too so it would get into a noise making contest with the Grey to see who could get the most attention. Fuggers :loco

Anyway, cool little birds. Keep touching them and grooming them (pick through their feathers and open up new ones just like mamma would do). They'll think you're part of the flock and will bond pretty tight with you. They become great pets when they are bonded :thumbup They also make great conversation pieces in the bar :laughing


P.S. Stay away from the ginger parrot, it has no soul and will steal yours if given half a chance.



Throttle Pusher

stupid car, hit a daym tree on Embarcadero? how possible, what was that a Stupedician model?

kudos to the girl getting them

Gnarly Cranium

milk crate goes where?
Just heard back from the vet, green one didn't make it through the night, poor thing. :(

It's funny how they leave dandruff everywhere they go. I can't imagine how much all those new pin feathers must itch. My roomie is amazed that I know where to scritch and get red hat to lift his wings and go poofy and wiggly all over. Friend of mine back home had a sun conure, very friendly-- but nobody warns you how much they TICKLE OMG THE TICKLING. :cry They have enclosed nests, so they like to burrow under hair and down your shirt, and they groom at your skin behind your ears and it makes me want to jump out a window to end the tickling.

I hope red hat gets a chance to learn to fly. It's important that they learn at first fledging, later in life they just don't grok it as well. He goes with the rehabber this afternoon, hopefully I'll get to visit later on at her place in Alameda. She says she's already handled 66 cases from the flock just this year! 30 injured adults, the rest stranded babies. Prolific little buggers.


Big Ugly
My downstairs neighbor has a parrot (not sure what breed). Fucking thing can belt out some blood curdling screeches.

I hate that damn bird. :mad

mean dad

Well-known member
a buddy used to see this gal that had some kind of bird. he said the fuckin thing would make noise all night, even with the sheet over the cage.
he said pretty much every morning there would be a pile of shoes, clothes, and coins next to the cage from him throwing shit at the bird all night to shut it up! :rofl


Well-known member
ours was potty trained. Used to get weird looks holding her out the window of the car to take a shit when were stopped at red lights :laughing


I love Conures. Can I haz one :teeth

(maybe, gotta talk to the boss)

I had one fly into my yard a few years ago and had it for a week till we found it's owner. The thing was smart as hell. When I came home from work it would fly over to me and land on my shoulder.

I thought birds were stupid pets before that week.

There was a wild flock living in Burlingame years ago, it was totally cool seeing and hearing them fly around town.

aww, just read your reply :(