Anyone wanna ride near the border of Cali? Tahoe? Mexico? Orgeon?


Rather sweat than bleed

I am beginning school on Aug. 24th and didn't achieve my summer goal: Travel out of the state. Its a tradition that I have upheld for years and wont let it die. So I am looking to ride someone near the border of California and enjoy the journey. Anyone up for the challenge?

Before I continue, I need to let the cat out the bag.... :rolleyes Im a nOOb with 1k miles under my belt in the past 1 month. I consider myself a quick learner and have been doing great thus far. I probably cants take turns or lean as far as you but I have no problem if you ride ahead and we checkup with each other occasionally. :ride I also ride a Ninja 250 in excellent mechanical condition. :nerd

I was thinking of Tahoe, Reno, Norther-Cali near Oregon, maybe down south near Mexico (least preferred). I have been on 2 hour rides which I think is a good distance to take a break and grab a bite, take pictures, or refuel.
I would like to leave either the 20th or 21st in the morning after the commuters are off the road and stay somewhere relatively overnight (college budget). The next day I plan on waking up and doing the same, riding back when the commuters are off the road.

So let me know if you are interested :)




im getting better...
ME!! damn dude send me a PM! im looking for someone to ride with this weekend, maybe a saturday and sunday trip?


Adverse Selection
Did you guys go riding? Are there pics or stories to share? Looking forward to hearing about your first big trip.