HadesOmega's Lap of Mt Fuji 2017 Ride Report


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HadesOmega's Lap of Mt Fuji Episode 40 - Bonus Hie Shrine
I noticed when watching my VLOG from the year before and google earth there is a pretty big shrine in Akasaka literally within walking distance of Japan Bike Rentals, so I decide to check it out. It's amazing to have this huge shrine surrounded by skyscrapers!



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HadesOmega's Lap of Mt. Fuji Episode 41 Bonus Journey to Nakano via Train
It's another HadesOmega Lap of Mt. Fuji bonus VLOG. In this VLOG it is the 4th day of my trip and I returned the MT-09 Tracer and I just left Hie Shrine. Now I have to head to Nakano where my AirBNB is and I decided to make this video on how to navigate around Tokyo travelling by train. See how it is, not too hard!


Mike T

Oh man! I just saw this thread! I came back from a 2 week trip from Japan and it was AWESOME. Didnt ride but I did drive (a R33 GTR) for the first 2 days. Looking at your photos brought back some great memories in Japan.

Great post!


I love your trip reports Merlin. I rode in Japan for 10 days back in 92. A ZX400RR. It was awesome. Like you said, the people are nice. Everybody took pride in their job too. No matter how menial.



Well-known member
Thanks for following me on my journey. Japan was like a dream come true and I did it twice!

Speaking of 400cc, 400cc is like the #1 moto size in Japan. Its the perfect size for Japan and that is the largest bike you can get for the smaller license. It is the perfect size because now all these 400s are popping up in the US replacing the smaller bikes.

I love their riding culture in Japan, they say that riding is declining in Japan but when I went there were tons of riders everywhere all having a good time.

If it's one thing I regret was not being able to speak Japanese too well. It's true you can get by without but I wish could but I just can't learn other languages. :(
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Ah sorry I was going through this ride report and I totally forgot that I was going to post my SUPER Ride Review on the MT-09 Tracer Yamakyu or known in the states as the FJ-09 and soon to be MT-09 Tracer. I liked this bike a lot as a long distance tourer but as a canyon carver it's a little on the big side for me. I have split the review up into 2 videos.




Well-known member
Looks like I missed a section of the ride report I will have to cram it into the section I missed somehow but I noticed Episode 28 was missing because I watched this new anime called Yuru Camp and I could have sworn the scene where she camps at Lake Motosu was when I went down to the beach at Lake Shoji. Then I realize I didn't even put that part in my ride report.

Anyway the scene I'm talking about is this one.

Compared to my IRL picture, looks nearly the same! You can't see Fujisan because its behind the clouds though.


Well-known member
Here is the missing section. After riding to Lake Tanuki I head north to one of the Fuji 5 Lakes Lake Motosu. It's a pretty big lake. The suns coming down fast so I didn't want to dawdle too long. I rode to one of the parking lots and took some pictures. There is a yellow submarine boat that you can go on a tour of the lake on. You can ride around the lake also and there are camping sites along the way but like I said I didn't have much time so I decided to head on to the next lake.








The yellow submarine


Panoramic of Lake Motosu