BARF skaters, we got any?


Not Erudite, just er
I'm 55, but I haven't been on one of my boards for over 5yrs so I'm not sure if I want to at this point. Was never a park skater, but liked slalom/down-hill.

I looked for a 'summer' snow board for a long time, tried to make my own, tried the flow lab 14-wheeled but went 2 wheels when I found this:


Very stable at speed, very sketchy at low speed, difficult to slide (IMO) to scrub speed. Although the Freeboard is most like a snow board, the T-Board really digs in and carves.


Do more, bitch less.
The biggest thing to look out for with skating is your ankles. Get ready for fat, weak ankles. You will roll them all the damn time.

And as any ortho will tell you, the lower the weakest link in your structure, the more of your posture it will affect. Negatively.


كافر ლ(ಠ&
Sooooo.... the last time I was in this thread I mentioned I hadn't skated in over 20 years.

Well, sometime a couple of months ago I was just browsing YouTube and saw a video of this guy cruising around at ridiculous speeds on an electric skateboard in NYC. He was riding a Boosted Board ( I was aware that electric skateboards were around but this thing was refined as fuck, not just something cobbled together from hobby store parts.

I had to have one.

Found out Boosted Boards was putting out a new version (the V2) and there were selling pre-orders, so I ordered. Meanwhile I got a cheapo Sector 9 longboard to practice on, since I figured jumping on an electric skateboard that goes 22mph after 20 years of not riding was a sure way to fuck myself up good.



After a month of puttering around on the longboard I found out that the V2s weren't shipping in late July as expected, but more likely towards the end of the year (for those of us who didn't get in on the Day 1/May 19 pre-order) and Boosted Boards were offering up refurbished V1s. I ended up getting a Dual + V1 to tide me over until I get my V2.'

Holy fuck this thing is fast. Fast enough to break a few bones for sure. I like the fact that it has brakes though. Downhills aren't nearly as scary. I've been crusing around nearly every night after work and damn it's fun.






Well-known member
:laughing sorry if those lone skateboard pics weren't meant to be funny but i find them so. like instead of a lone bike poser pic.

nice board though. i too am curious about those boosted boards. i see them everywhere in the City.