2D Datalogger split tracks


Active member
I have a D-Air suit and I use the 2D datalogger to download GPS data to get laptimes. It's a little clunky (like a lot of professional level software) but seems pretty powerful. Anyway, one thing I have trouble with is splitting up data. This past weekend, I rode at Sonoma on Saturday and Thunderhill on Sunday. Does anyone know how to separate the data into two different files so I can analyze laps appropriately and figure out what my lap times are at each place?


Well-known member
No, but I would like to. I have the kit version that comes with the Dianese said at suits. I have three track days and a bunch of street riding recorded and I just want to trim down to even a session .


Well-known member
I have done a few trackdays since i have gotten my D-Air suit. tried to connect with 2D software but, never had got to learn how to get data and export it. Would be great to get some pointers on how to use it.


Well-known member
I have done a few trackdays since i have gotten my D-Air suit. tried to connect with 2D software but, never had got to learn how to get data and export it. Would be great to get some pointers on how to use it.

It's hard stuff to use and doesn't work in a VM which was a hardship for me as I run OSX and Linux. I set up a win10 boot to get the data but I deleted that already as I don't need Windows for anything else and won't use the 2D Debus & Diebold Meßsysteme GmbH software that comes with the suit since it won't run in a VM and is tricky to use.

I suggest watching all the videos they have and keeping in mind that you can't trim recordings with the software that comes with the suit. This means you want to download your data from the suit and then do not power on your suit until you're at the track. Then you can download just the track area data (paddock and such is fine) and it will be able to build a track map from the data and you will get lap times and more.
