2018 Awards banquet: Tribute to Multi-time AFM Champ Mike Kauzlarich?


AFM 439
I'm probably speaking to a limited group here. I have no connections to the current AFM hierarchy. Until this year my last race was early '86 at Willow Springs. In 3 race events at age 63 I somehow managed to merit a season award for 3rd overall in Formula 40 novice. Considering how hard I worked for every trophy garnered in '85-'86, this is like a participation award. :afm199

My oldest and dearest motorcycling bud Multi-time AFM Champion Mike Kauzlarich passed unexpectedly on or around 5/23/18. I met him in '72 or'73 on Redwood Road. We both started racing AFM in '75. He had more success than I that first year. I switched to TZ-250s in '76. I quit in '78 and Mike continued on. When I started up again in '83 or '84. Mike was still winning championships on his Suzuki GS-1100s. After he quit racing, Mike continued giving to the Sport. He taught numerous AFM new rider schools. He attending all the monthly AFM meetings through the late Joe Montoya's term as president offering his insight where applicable.


Mike 's entire life was the AFM, AMA, racing, riding and doing everything he could to better the sport.

My efforts this season do not merit a mention.

Please, please, please urge the powers that be to do a tribute to their brother, a multi-time AFM Champion, Mike.



General Menace
Staff member
Good on ya for the respect for your friend that respected the AFM and the sport so much.


2012 Fifty is Nifty Tour!
Staff member
Thanks wfo439. Definitely Jawz should be something for the AFM to consider as well as mention of Tom Moose Reinecker who also passed and was a frequent visitor to AFM races up until his passing. We'll see what they can do. Any pictures you have could be extremely helpful towards this rememberance.


AFM 439
I don't have any pics from back in the day. I asked Bob Ocano to forward his best to Barbara.

@KazMan I remember Tom from my earlier racing days. Went to the 60th AFM reunion with Mike. We bumped into Tom in the grandstands and spent quite some time swapping stories. :ride