Search results

  1. Hoppalong

    Smell that? Something's burning!

    And Holy Shit does it stink! Must be too many pedophiles and not enough virgins.
  2. Hoppalong

    Naughty Naughty, Avenatti

    That sword you live by Bright and shiny Must hurt like hell Up your own hiney
  3. Hoppalong

    Christians ruined Christmas. Or, What would Jesus buy?

    Black Friday - Cyber Monday is the REAL Christian holiday now.
  4. Hoppalong

    The turkey in the White House was pardoned

    It's funny because it's true. And it's true even if it didn't happen.
  5. Hoppalong

    Yasiel Puig is a big fat ...

    Yasiel Puig is a big fat jerk. And nobody likes him. Not just because he's a jerk, but because he's on the Dodgers. And NOBODY likes them.
  6. Hoppalong

    Bypass valve to water softener

    Our house (built early 1980's) came with an old non-working water softener, sitting in the backyard (connected to input and ouput water pipes coming through the garage wall to the backyard). As long as it wasn't leaking it's not been high on my list of things to fix/replace. But now it's...
  7. Hoppalong


    Duck. It's time we got beyond the politics of whether cartoon ducks should or should not wear pants! It's TEARING THIS COUNTRY APART! And no, he's NOT on Ambien. He just likes letting it swing, having it out there, going commando (who doesn't?). And isn't little Donny Duck Jr. a cute little...
  8. Hoppalong

    Cut drain pipe as close to surface as possible

    I need to cut a drain pipe (pvc) that has extended out of the drain's surface (because of ground-foundation settling over the years). I was thinking a dremel tool would allow me to cut the pipe closest to the surface, first cutting, and then grinding as needed. I know there are inside-pipe...
  9. Hoppalong

    Looking for lawn mower

    I'm looking for a used, push, gas lawn mower. Must be running and usable as is. Looking in the east bay area.
  10. Hoppalong

    Any Cord-Cutters here?

    I want to stop receiving cable-tv from Comcast because my bill keeps increasing but the list of (mostly crappy) channels stays the same. So my questions are about streaming tv: What's the minimum Internet speed required? What streaming tv providers do you use and why? I've read a little...
  11. Hoppalong

    “S’not my fault!”

    Saw this on the "CycleNews" site. “S’not my fault!” by Rennie Scaysbrook.
  12. Hoppalong

    Stinger Trailer In a Bag

    I'm looking for a motorcycle trailer that can be broken down and stored out of sight in a car's' trunk or the bed of a truck. I came across this: Does anyone have any experience with this trailer? Or know somebody that has one? I'd also...
  13. Hoppalong

    They ARE listening. You ARE being tracked.

    Since some people interested in VPN's I thought they might be interested in this plugin for the Chrome browser. It attempts to "...make our collected data less actionable by leaving misleading tracks, camouflaging our true behavior." It's called Noiszy I have absolutely...
  14. Hoppalong

    I WON'T support a local dealer !!!

    I went to the local motorcycle dealer to look at a motorcycle I'm seriously considering buying. I'm also there to buy 4 new tires: a rear for another bike and three tires for an old motorcycle trailer. So I talk to the friendly and knowledgeable salesman, etc, and get very close to pulling the...
  15. Hoppalong

    These Cops Should Go to JAIL These cops purposely let a man in their custody die! His family knew he was dying and called 911. But the cops told the 911 dispatchers to ignore his family's calls. There's proof the cops KNEW what...
  16. Hoppalong

    Homeland Security?

    When all expectation of privacy no longer exists, when privacy is just a fond memory, will homeland security really matter? Of course, the wealthy and overprivledged will view the loss of _your_ privacy as good and necessary, and economically sound: "Just because _you_ can't afford privacy...
  17. Hoppalong


    Imagine Perfect Security* (it's easy if you try) The NSA running amok (or as they call it: business as usual). People around you, wherever you go, wearing Google glasses. Having secret courts (FISC) making secret decisions about anything and everything. The people in charge thinking that...
  18. Hoppalong

    Let's all rush to judgement

    2006 Lacrosse case In 2006, three Duke players were falsely accused of raping an African-American woman. It was claimed that this was a hate crime. The players were rapists and bigots and should be punished! After months, years, the players were able to prove their innocence with a negative DNA...