Search results

  1. jjslye

    I'm headed to NOLA for a while...Ideas?

    Got offered some work there and am going to be in New Orleans for a month or so. I've got overhead covered, going to be working with some friends, and I thought BARFers just gottah have a few ideas, experience, intel about the Big Easy. Sadly my SV650 wont be going with me.... Maybe I'll find...
  2. jjslye

    '80 Suzuki DS80/ CLASSIC - Wondering about this bike...

    If posting a for sale link here is not OK I'll delete... Saw this as I was browsing, never heard of it, never seen one but I though DAMN there has to be a fan base out there....
  3. jjslye

    TV show case you aint seen it

    is fuggin heeealrious and very BARF oriented.. is on HULU... I can see tons of apps for stills from said show on here... ....comedy gold?!
  4. jjslye

    Yet another funny "cartoon"!

    A ladyfriend turned me onto this show while we were lounging around on a rainy Saturday. My non-TV watching ass had never heard of it and I'm thinking it might just be BARF appropriate. Do we even call them cartoons?
  5. jjslye

    Smaller, lighter, smarter....GO Rutan!!

    Sorry but this is the sprotbile of the air folks.....
  6. jjslye

    If I'd had a CAMERA on me....

    Sight #1: Guy and Gal on Beamer, about a yr.2000 sport-tour,hardcases. Wearing Chuck Taylors and Pink Heals. Potential ATGATT poster children, and cute! Sight #2: Two Guys riding one of those 'Double Wheels in Front' motos (can we call it that?)...
  7. jjslye

    Ride like it's your mom on back...

    On her annual visit from the other coast and I finally learn that me mum actually used to ride a triumph in college! I've been riding for one year, logged over 12oo miles, have taken 4 different passengers, incidentally female and of various shapes and sizes. Long story short, she decided to...