Search results

  1. GirlCurves

    A Day with Gixxergirl1000

    Most of us know Gixxergirl1000 by her infamous screen name, her well-deserved "BARF Roadside Angel" title, her sincere concern for the BARF community; and her informative, humorous and no-nonsense persona. If you’ve been on this forum for any length of time, you know about her “stabby horse”...
  2. GirlCurves

    Recommendations for Steering Damper - '09 R6

    Hi everybody! I'm looking for some suggestions and feedback on a steering damper for my R6 (what's out there, brands, etc.) Had a little "head shake" this last Saturday on 17. Enough of one to make me realize I need to get one of them. I've priced a few and they're pretty expensive. I'd...
  3. GirlCurves

    Guy was taken out and put into a concrete wall this morning

    Rider Down on 280 and Meridian this Morning Sadly, my hubby was caging his way to work today and he saw a rider get taken out on the off-ramp at Meridian and 280 southbound this morning. He said the rider was put right into a concrete wall. Hope he is ok. Anyone else hear about this? :(
  4. GirlCurves

    New R6 with 580 miles leaking fuel

    So I have been riding my new R6 carefully during the break-in period. But last night we did a quick run up and back down 9. I noticed extreme fuel smell coming from my bike. I hadn't over-filled the tank or spilled gas on it. I had a headache by the time I got home. There is no visible leak...
  5. GirlCurves

    Do other female riders have problems with men on the road?

    I was just wondering if any of the other female riders out there run into SOME guys (in cars, not typically on bikes) who act like they are intimidated by a woman riding a moto. I'm not generalizing here at all. But, I'm surprised at how many of them are out there. I ride every day to work...
  6. GirlCurves

    New to BARF

    Hi - I'd like to introduce myself. I'm a newbie and my name is Deborah. I took the MSF course and got my license last summer. I started with a "one-lunger" and traded up for a Kawi EX650-R about 5 months ago. I ride mostly with my husband who is definitely a veteran like so many of you...