Search results

  1. eeeeek

    AFM Round 3 - No Hitter

    From what I heard, there were ZERO red flags for round 3. Round 3 is usually a crash fest, so this is even bigger news!
  2. eeeeek

    Worker Appreciation AFM Round7

    All: Remember that round 7 is the worker appreciation round. Please bring donations for the turn workers. Everything from cash to beer to trips to Maui are appreciated. Small gifts as well as large, it all adds up!
  3. eeeeek

    Confession of an Ex-Racer

    This weekend we, as a club, suffered a personal tragedy. Those of us at the track always feel a sense of doom when the track is shut down for an extended period and every time the helicopter comes, I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach. I am not an official of the AFM. I’m just a guy who has...
  4. eeeeek

    Sound restrictions for AFM at Sears Point

    I remember at one of the rounds last year, Sears Point was staffing their sound tower and black flagging bikes that busted the meter. The buzz then was that they had the power to red flag an entire race (I'm not sure if that's true or not, but it sounded plausible). What's the scoop for this year?
  5. eeeeek

    Let's talk about the Hay Bail in the room

    Remember when Thunderhill put the wall in at turn 1? There was a lot of discussion then about how it didn't seem to serve a purpose and limited runoff in turn 1. Now, there are hay bails a good 100 feet prior to the wall. What purpose do these hay bails serve, other than to limit run off even...
  6. eeeeek

    Huge thanks to Kyle Norman

    I lost my voice by about race 3 on Saturday. I pulled Kyle from his other duties, pur him on the mic, gave him some quick coaching and he ran with it. Thanks, Kyle! Great job.
  7. eeeeek

    So, ummm...elephant in the room.

    Anyone try to go to race results today? Or try to resister for a race?
  8. eeeeek

    What bike was Siggy riding last weeekend

    I didn't get a chance to see. Was it the BMW or a new ZX10?
  9. eeeeek

    Sat night Jell-O Shots

    The last few times I've stayed at the track, it's been a little quite. I'm going to be staying in a friend's Super-C RV over by the Sunset corner (the DG parking area) and will be making a generous amount of Jell-O shots. Drop on by about a half hour after the track goes cold on Saturday. Bring...
  10. eeeeek

    Beat the Blerch

    Anyone on here giving this a go? I signed up awhile back.
  11. eeeeek


    Soooo, where is this thing going to set up? I'm worried they are going to take half the paddock.
  12. eeeeek

    Jr. Server Administrator, Sacramento Area

    I'm looking for someone for a Jr. Level Server Administrator role. Technologies used are AD, VMWare, Citrix, Exchange and a host of others. Job is an FTE position and will give someone with a solid foundation in I.T. a chance to grow in a Tier III role. As this is a Jr. Level position, I do not...
  13. eeeeek

    DickButtHurt thread locking / I want my Comic Strips and gifs

    That stupid little thread was like an old friend. It was a part of my morning routine. I don't drink coffee, I read my stupid little comic strips in one nice little location in my favorite motorcycle forum.
  14. eeeeek

    AFM Lap Records

    Official AFM lap records. When I was walking through the pits on Sunday, Andy Palmer mentioned that it was difficult to determine lap records for the AFM and the tracks we run. I thikn it would be pretty cool to have that on the AFM website. I don't know all that would be involved in keeping it...
  15. eeeeek


    Many of you know what that means. With the addition of the pro races at Sonoma, I think we need our best foot forward. I aksed John Fosgate if he will come and announce with me. For those of you newer to the AFM, John Fosgate was the voice of the AFM for many years and had more than a few...
  16. eeeeek

    Return of AFM Results to RRW
  17. eeeeek

    Track run

    Anyone else interested in jogging the track after it goes cold on Saturday? I plan on two laps at a moderate pace.
  18. eeeeek

    AFM site goofy in ie8

    I know ie8 is old, but a lot of people still use it. If more traffic is going to go to the afm site with the AMA round, it would be nice to clean it up.
  19. eeeeek

    #64 Race report: Race Therapy

    First and foremost, I want to extend a huge thank you to Alan Cunningham for loaning me a bike to race on Saturday. The rock star treatment was fantastic! Without getting into details, my year could have been better in a lot of ways. I hadn't even rolled a wheel onto the track in over a year...
  20. eeeeek

    New Racer? Want Air Time?

    A: Lead the race. This guarantees you airtime. B: Bribe the announcer. Seriously. A donation to the benevolent fund will mean I will read a well written and legible note thanking your sponsors, parents, friends, pets, pit mate, etc. This works for seasoned racers, too. Just take the elevator...