Search results

  1. maxandgrinch

    What is the name/style of this connector?

    My penis provided for scale. What is this style of connector called? Is F to F version something I can buy premade at Frys?
  2. maxandgrinch

    BARF Book Publishing Project

    Some BARFers seem to have challenges creating a thread that is entertaining, informational, allows differing opinions and experiences to be openly and constructively discussed. Some quick research shows that one person seems to have a style of thread creation that creates a lot of interest...
  3. maxandgrinch

    She Sounds Hawt? Yay Alamo Drafthouse SF

    Entertaining as long as it isn't a repost. The words expressed by this person are NSFW and may corrupt your morals. She sounds like: She's hawt. She got a trophy for waking up, every day since she was three. She the receptionist that won't respond to your jokes, witty comments, or ask about...
  4. maxandgrinch

    Another shooting at military recruiting center- Shooter is down, shooter is down

    Link to the July 17th event Is this is why they don't usually let guns.... Maybe he was protecting himself from indians or bikers or union construction workers?
  5. maxandgrinch

    The video Copwatch and BARF anarchists tried to cover up...

    Texas police officer actually saves a choking motorist during traffic stop 84As09A00HE This dramatic dash cam video suggests the police are probably not part of a giant conspiracy to keep poor, uneducated, downtrodden, and others who are generally have no faith in themselves to keep them...
  6. maxandgrinch

    Be a Responsible Beef Eater: Skip Showers

    Thanks Mooby and Moby! AmmUV324Lnk (probably backed by the pork or some hippie lobby) I will skip showers so I can eat California beef :thumbup Where can I buy California beef? Doesn't it also come from South America or China? Being a vegan is probbably why...
  7. maxandgrinch

    Our Governor Fulfills Campaign Promise: Starts Cutting Prison Population In Half

    Of course when the other prisoners were axed, as usual 'nobody sawed nuttin' and I guess snitches don't always get stitches :rolleyes
  8. maxandgrinch

    PRIDE EVENT DANGER: Watch for ISIS Recruiters!

    And you're the only one who didn't understand it :rofl 5y6qTLf0AI4 I :love CNN when the plays the game from Office Space 'Jump to Conclusions.' ISIS needs a designer to create a look like Hugo Boss did?
  9. maxandgrinch

    Glidecam X-10 and HD 4000

    Minimal use, as new condition. $1800 PM me
  10. maxandgrinch

    Vertical Bookcases - DWR

    DWR - Design Within Reach Sapien Vertical bookcases Four @ 79.5" tall $180 each Two of the 60" tall $120 each Gray in color. A little wonky when used on carpet- probably not for homes with free-range kids. A little dusty but not scratched or otherwise damaged. Cash - note they're in ATM...
  11. maxandgrinch

    Having a Ball at a Cinco de Mayo Party

    From WBAL TV Cop Charged with Biting Man's Testicle During Cinco de Mayo Brawl He was off duty, not sure why his job matters. Would it be any different if the article was School Counselor/Architect/IT Guy Charged with Biting Man's Testicle During Cinco de Mayo Brawl? It is an alternative...
  12. maxandgrinch

    Living in China must stink: Gov't says 'Stop Hiring Funeral Strippers'

    What is wrong with China? If this is what grandpa wanted done at his funeral for those stuffy whippersnappers on his lawn, why not? Here's the article with the mostly sfw photos that started the controversy? In China, friends and family of the deceased may have to do without a special form of...
  13. maxandgrinch

    Passenger kicked off Southwest flight for assult with penis female

    Link to the story Really for snoring? I thought it was mightier than the sword?
  14. maxandgrinch

    Be the next: Deadmau5, Skrillex, or Daft Punk with this DJ equipment

    Or even the next Paris Hilton since she is apparently an awesome DJ! $2400. DJM-850k mixer Vestax ITCH VFX-1 Rane SL2 CDJ-850 PAIR!!!! Dicer cue point looping controllers! OG boxes with serial numbers for the stuff and packaging styrofoam Purchased by impulsive teen with a credit limit. Used...
  15. maxandgrinch

    Great tits no guarantee of success in the bedroom, says Prince Charles

    The Greek Mafia is slaughtering tits because Viagra isn't organic and Prince Charles allowed to have an opinion. Gotta love English news sites and what they're willing to do to sell a paper.
  16. maxandgrinch

    Small Live Sound Kit - speakers, stands, mixer, etc. Ready for 2015 -16 VanHalen Tour

    This is enough awesome equipment to support the current incarnation of VanHalen as they tour suburban livingrooms rockin' out at private birthday parties for lonely 45-50 year old guys who can afford a keg, some decent weed, $50 for gas, and have a spare bedroom for the band. Maybe his mom will...
  17. maxandgrinch

    That Fitness Guy Who Overtrained?

    Here's clue about that reality tv fitness guy that hit a train: he liked train sets- 3 of 10. This guy wasn't siderodromophobic, if anything he had a thing for training- Rule 34? RQpNZy_Ti50 Ironic? YGP188R5hPc The train he hit is OK.
  18. maxandgrinch

    Kickstarter for LEGAL Sideshows in Oaklamd?

    Although I can't imagine the paperwork and protests that would be launched by CARB/EPA/PETA/Sierra Club/Al Gore, it looks like there is a model for financial success with this kind of activity. Who is in for a Kickstarter campaign for a legal form of Sideshows for Oakland? Of course since this...
  19. maxandgrinch

    Club/Association Software to Manage Dues, Events, Etc.

    Car club needs software package to manage memebership - dues, mailings/emailings, events, blah blah. For right now it would be the west coast section which has about 300 members, but it could be adopted nationally. The international club has had a company friend of a friend building this system...
  20. maxandgrinch

    Motor Boating Vacations of the Future?

    While other parts of the world don't have access to Gore's internet and can''t get easy access to clean water, we're leading the world in senseless medical innovations! Lunchtime Lift from ABC News (ratings week?) The inventor is saying the 24-hour boobjob, may be able to made to last for up...