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  1. DucatiHoney

    08.17: A quick ride up to The Wall tonight.

    My morning bicycle ride fell through, so I ran a few errands and generally got to feeling antsy. I *needed* to do something to burn off a little energy after my afternoon siesta. I thought about taking a moto ride, but my speedo took a crap on Friday night, and I really didn't feel like...
  2. DucatiHoney

    My car didn't pass the smog test!

    I sold the other car, which was a cute little '69 Alfa Romeo that was falling into disrepair because I just didn't have the time/inclination/money to deal with a pair of cages. I figured I'd be OK with just the one car. Of course, I'm beginning to question the wisdom of that move now...
  3. DucatiHoney

    Hodgson's Fan Club - Not on the ball...

    I know this isn't super-serious racing information, but I need help. What the heck am I supposed to do? I Love Neil. Like, really. Pretty sure I'm going to get the #100 tattooed onto my butt at some point. I've offered to have more babies for him if he ever decides to ditch the wife, but I...
  4. DucatiHoney

    Why does bump-starting work?

    ...and why is it harder to do on a fuel-injected bike? I'm still trying to get my brain around how an engine works, to be perfectly honest, especially a carb'ed one. (hey, I ride 'em...I don't work on 'em if I don't have to.) I'm not asking the technique for starting one's bike if the...
  5. DucatiHoney

    I'm a crappy driver.

    Today I had to drive in for work. I stopped, got a couple of casual carpoolers and headed out. I'm cruisin' along, making way for bikers, doing a comfortable pace... Suddenly traffic comes to a halt and my response? I squeezed the steering wheel instead of pressing on the brake pedal. :wtf...
  6. DucatiHoney

    General Contractor wanted for SF residential remodel

    I'm working on a two-unit (two independently owned flats) residential remodel in Noe Valley. The remodel has a lot of potential with a relatively relaxed schedule. The owners and cool, fun people to work with--all are riders! ...and so is their architect. ;) Please p.m. me for additional...
  7. DucatiHoney

    I miss downshifts...

    ...a lot. Too frequently. It's vexing me. I thought it was just the bike, but it's not. I miss them on every bike I ride. I use the "blip method" where ya give it a little gas to bring the engine up to speed, grab the clutch, and then tap it into the lower gear. I don't know what I'm...
  8. DucatiHoney

    Parking Questions...

    I'm not sure this is a LEO question, but I thought I'd try to solicit a little "legal back-up" for a friend of mine. Here's the backstory: My coworker moved into a new apartment in the Panhandle of SF. She recently got a scooter (her sole form of transportation) and asked the property...
  9. DucatiHoney

    There's something about the sound a bike makes...

    There's something about the sound a bike makes on a quiet summer night... It's late on a warm July night just before the 4th. I'm lying in bed and have just turned out the lights after reading a few pages of my book. It's kind of a boring book and yet it doesn't put me to sleep. A slight...
  10. DucatiHoney

    Too much time on my hands...

    Why? Because I spent too much time on photoshop not to. That's why. :laughing (props to GotBlueMilk for the spectacular shot!)
  11. DucatiHoney

    Mixing oils?

    I did a search on this and here's what BARF spewed in return. A general internet search yielded far more interesting, albeit, less helpful results that are mostly cooking or sex-related. So, I was hoping you guys might be able to spare me some reading... So here's my issue: I have a fair...
  12. DucatiHoney

    Corn on a stick?

    I went to a street fair this weekend and had some sort of corn on a stick smothered in a white sauce and sprinkled with cheese. It's better than crack I tell ya. Someone found a way to make corn a 1500 calorie heart attack waiting to happen, and if I meet that person, we're prolly gonna fall...
  13. DucatiHoney

    ...and on the subject of women

    I'm sauntering--yes sauntering, because anything quicker makes one look like Pedrosa scurrying after a downed bike during one of his first GP races--across the street to hop on the Duc and go to the gym after work. I am in full leathers and so the slight incline up the ramp of the parking...
  14. DucatiHoney

    East Bound BB stopped!

    Never seen anything like it....boy, was I glad to be on a bike! Stopped and talked to people and took my time getting through the miles of stopped traffic on the bridge while they re-opened the portion of 580 that collapsed last month. All of us bikes were lined up at the front of the pack...
  15. DucatiHoney

    Pride Parade...Dykes on Bikes

    A friend of mine asked me if I'd be interested in attending the 2007 event last year. I was really flattered that she invited me, so I told her I'd do it in order to show my support for the "sexually alternative community" (?? I think I'm making up terms here, but you get the idea...) and have...
  16. DucatiHoney

    Turning from an upright position?

    I've only had three bikes. The first two were/are a sporty/standard position. My most recent acquisition is a very aggressive position. I'm comfortable riding with clip-ons. I don't have back trouble. I like this position, even on the street and find I can hold it for several hours without...
  17. DucatiHoney

    '89 FZR400 1/5turn throttle?

    I can't find one guys...and I need it. I need it *real* bad. I've looked at RonAyers and FlatOutMotorcycles. I've called SpeedWerks and asked for Steve as posted up on my FZR400 Yahoo List--no call back. Please me back. Please... OK, so now I'm trying to figure out if I can...
  18. DucatiHoney

    The Wall 04/08 "Go get 'em, girl!" missed connection?

    Just curious to know who it was that yelled at me this evening as I passed by The Wall. "Go get 'em, girl!" was all I heard. You'll be happy to know that I obliged. I "got" him and the car in front of him. :devil Anyone here? p.s. I was on the silver bicycle. Black knickers, navy blue...
  19. DucatiHoney

    A ride to remember...a tale of three bikes

    No fewer than three times did little kids and 20-somethings in minivans and sedans give me the universal "do a wheelie!" sign by taking both hands and raising and lowering them like they were praying to some god standing outside their car windows. I knew this was going to be a ride to...
  20. DucatiHoney

    I did Laguna!

    no...not in the "Debbie Does Dallas" kind of way. :rolleyes My friend and I signed up for a trackday with Keith Code's Superbike School. --Couldn't have asked for a better day: postcard conditions. My friend and and I starting out... (she's #26 lower photo and I've got the black...