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  1. N

    Industry standard base layers?

    Just got my first 1-piece leather suit. Any one recommend solid base layers for hot heat? I am primarily looking to see if there are any "no matter what get this" models that outweigh any other option.
  2. N

    Request for Motorcycle-superstore unused coupons

    If you have an unused discount code that you're willing to pass the buck forward to, I'd greatly appreciate it. Feel free to PM. Looking to get a couple items in preparation for my first track day next month. Please move to appropriate forum if needed. Much obliged!
  3. N

    Word of Caution for June 10th (PSB Area)

    I've posted this on the BATS group ride for Gary J's memorial ride, just want to precaution you all that there will be a huge cycling event fundraiser ride called Tour De Cure in that very area many group rides are planning their route on. Just a PSA so you can have your Plan B's in check if...
  4. N

    Another reason why I ride . .

    Tonight, after fueling up another full tank of 3 gallons, I turn to my right and notice a lady driver in a Honda Civic idling and staring at my final tank reading next to me, "$14.23". She asks, "Is that it? For a full tank?" I nod my head as my helmet is still on and then shout "That's good...
  5. N

    How do you rationalize spending more $$ on a commuter?

    So my 11 year old SV is in the shop from a second tip-over from a cage while parked. I commute everyday to work and living in SF it provides me stress-free parking (with the exception of people knocking my bike over). Even before this happened, I was casually window shopping for a second...
  6. N

    What would you do?

    So tonight I go out to the gym, cruising down 101S around the Brisbane area at approx. 8pm. By this time, it's dark out and I'm going at a pretty good pace, traveling on the far right lane with the 3 other left lanes completely vacant with no cars in sight. I'm wearing full gear and ear...
  7. N

    What to do with Old Helmets?

    This might be a stupid question but here it goes. . . I've only been riding for 2 yrs now and am starting to replace my initial helmets with new ones. What do you all do with your older helmets? I'm assuming if it has battle wounds or sentimental value it's kept on the trophy shelf but other...