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  1. M

    Damn Teenagers

    Here is a way to save money if you have kids.
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    John McCain is gonna make them famous?

    Quoted from John McCain's acceptance speech: The House and Senate just passed a bailout package loaded with billions in pork. I want to know who is famous. :|
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    What questions would you ask the candidates?

    The thought of Sarah Palin ascending to the Presidency scares the shit out of me. That got me thinking what questions I would really like to hear answered by the candidates. 1) Do you believe a worldly perspective is important for a President? Do you believe you have one? Why? 2) As...
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    Will your taxes go up or down?

    Personally I think taxes will be going up regardless of who gets elected. Whether it be an outright tax hike, or tax code chicanery, I expect I'll be paying out more over the next 4 years. What are YOUR thoughts?
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    Toyota repair shop recommendations?

    Just noticed the radiator is starting to leak in my wife's 2004 Sienna MV. Did a check and found this is a known defect, but unfortunately it's beyond warranty :( Toyota quoted $860 which seems pretty high, and I'd like to get another estimate. Was wondering if anyone knows a good Toyota shop...
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    Earth's magnetic field shifting

    Not new news, but an interesting update
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    Softball players needed

    Thursday night "D" league at Twin Creeks in Sunnyvale. A couple of our long time players just moved out of state and we need to pick up 2-3 players. PM me if you're interested.
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    Caption this (and go to hell)

    Seems like Hitler meets the Emperor from Star Wars.
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    Advice on overpants for commuting

    Had a pair of A* AST pants that were cheap and worked OK, but the stitches are starting to go out and I want something better. My criteria is: - Must work as overpants with jeans or slacks. - Must have good knee protection. Padded hips would be good too. - Easy to take on/off without having...
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    Rant: What's with LEO tailgating flyby

    Taking my son to camp this morning and briefly got up to maybe 75mph (probably less) passing by a slow mover in the #2 lane. My goal was just to get ahead and into a big gap of no traffic where I backed down to about 65. Afterwards, I noticed a CHP a few cars behind me matching my lane changes...
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    Support Our Troops on July 4th

    Whether you're for or against the war in Iraq, our guys are busting their ass over there. How about giving them some support.
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    Why is my wood so big? (cutting down tree in yard)

    We've got a big tree in our yard that we have to get taken down. My neighbor told me the tree is probably about 25 years old, and it got me thinking. It's going to be hundreds of pounds of wood...where'd it come from? Same thing with food. It doesn't tase like dirt, but it's definitely got...
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    What's Hillary's Plan?

    Lets see... 1) Doing everything she can to remain a candidate. 2) Brings up Bobby Kennedy's assassination last week. 3) Hints she'd be interested in VP. I wonder if she's counting on some uncoventional support from her backwood constituency. :sniper
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    What's your opinion on reporting posts

    Inspired by this post. This isn't the first time I've heard the moderators remark about people reporting posts. I get the impression an anonymous but vocal minority is being pandered to, and I for one don't like it. Considering how many people cry about negative rep around here, I can only...
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    May 15 - Peace Officers Memorial Day

    Noticed that flags at our building were half mast today and this is why. :moment_of_silence :rip :thumbup to all the LEOs out there. I genuinely appreciate your service...even if we don't always agree on everything. :laughing
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    Air Marshalls grounded by no fly lists

    Saw this today. A related article said there are thousands of false positive hits every day :wtf. Gotta wonder if the no fly list has ever actually stopped a bad guy.
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    Teen repellant

    Maybe someone should put these up along HW9.
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    Suggestions for Vegas on May 1?

    I searched, but it seems all the preferred routes end up going through the passes, which are currently closed :( Kind of thinking I'd do one day down and two days back, or visa versa, and definitely want to stay off Interstate as much as possible. Anyone know what the chances of Tioga or...
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    Shoes hanging over the power lines

    I remeber reading something about this meaning "drugs for sale". Any truth to it? I've seen it a few times, including one spot a few blocks down the street from my house. Just want to make sure this is true before I start raising a stink to get them taken down.
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    Thoughts on FL and MI primaries not counting

    Clinton won the vote in two of the biggest states which would put her ahead of Obama. EXCEPT, that for technical reasons the Democratic National Committee decided both states don't count. Now there is talk about a "Do Over", but obviously Obama and his supporters would rather not. Is this...