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  1. enki

    Toyota-Suzuki alliance

    Put a busa motor in your Corolla
  2. enki

    Three rights stead of a left

    The scene is a busy intersection at rush hour with the morning sun in drivers' eyes. No left turn arrow. I have seen a number of crashes there, usually caused by drivers chasing a late yellow or even an early red. So I go by the intersection and make a right at the next, followed by two more...
  3. enki

    chp officer attacked at sideshowhttp wow... things are getting sideways.
  4. enki

    any lawyers in da house

    SO was watching the Jon Benet Ramsey thing...I was wondering ...if they decided to charge the son for 187 , (he was 11 at the time), would they have to charge him as a juvenile, and only penalize him with a juvenile sentence?
  5. enki

    womens olympic bike race

    Wow, the Dutch rider seriously ate it down the hill.
  6. enki

    Hall of famer Marvin Harrison's unsolved gun case

    This is a great read, since he was inducted today.
  7. enki

    The mystery of the vanishing coolant

    This is probably the most vexing mechanical situation that I have ever faced. I have a 98 Civic that I use as a beater and it runs fine, but I have to put in coolant about once a week. I have tried everything that I can think of to find out where this shit is going: I've replaced the coolant...
  8. enki

    Pit bull breeder beaten, ear cut off
  9. enki

    All charges dropped in Freddie Grey case

    Big setback for mob rule
  10. enki

    Does the striker trigger cause some bad shootings

    Two very disturbing shootings by police in the last day. I am far from someone to jump on an anti-LEO bandwagon, but these incidents reignite a question that I have been mulling for some time: Does the light trigger pull and lack of a traditional safety on the Glock, S&W M&P, and other type...
  11. enki


    Binge watched some of this. It's unbelievable how much more sophisticated the British shows are. Just insulting. For example, why would a writer compose a script where archenemies in real life Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are allies? Is it really that hard to reflect some part of reality? I know...
  12. enki


    new book about east bay rats, oakland
  13. enki

    Fresno CHP motor crash, airlifted

    thats the wrong incident I posted. Its on 180 at Clovis.
  14. enki

    UK member of Parliament shot

    When will the Brits establish sensible gun control?
  15. enki

    CHP officer Looking at computer involved in fatal

    Calls into question the distracted driving exemption for LEOs. I'm pretty pro-police, but not sure they multi-task better than anyone else.
  16. enki

    Sensitive Chinese advert
  17. enki

    tear down the Glen Canyon Dam

    It appears Seldom Seen Smith may get his way.
  18. enki

    New R1 and target fixation

    Sounds like a classic case. Poor kid, can't imagine how much that food would hurt. Or kinda can.:wtf
  19. enki

    guns, beer and vomiit

    This is why gun people need to police themselves. Dumbasses.
  20. enki

    canadian fire

    the whole town evacuated