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  1. S

    The bikes you wanted then but not now.

    What bikes were on your gotta have list but now that you have time, money or whatever don't really want anymore? Every since they came out I wanted a Honda 650 Turbo. Every time I could grab one something else came up. Now I have time, could buy one any day of the week but just wouldn't bother...
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    Ginger Beer

    Fever Tree Ginger Beer is darn good. Strong but good. Its the non- alcoholic content kind, at Costco. Get it really cold first. Yeowza. I really like the off the wall drinks like that. Ginger Beer is always good. Warm day, smoke in the air and you need something to clear things out, a gulp of...
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    Rider hit by fire truck in early hrs.of rescues

    Apologies if this was reported already. Main story is about hospital closures but the event regarding a motorcycle rider trying to escape the fires and hit by a resuce vehicle is in there. No fault...
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    PSA -Air cleaners are sold out - this works instead, less$ and better.

    Many stores in the North Bay are sold out of air cleaners/purifiers. This works as good or bettter: Buy a window or box fan. Lowes sells a twin window fan with speed settings. Measure the intake and get a filter that size. These are the flat filters used for air returns or blowers on house...
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    Data dependance

    In these data driven days how many riders just ride within their limits of skill and best judgement and never consider that if they do this or that or not that the percentages for certain risks go up or down? I say this because today I witnessed a yellow leather shod sport bike rider pass me...
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    PSA, that time of year again, no lights drivers

    Pulling out from a parking to pick someone up (just dark) and a blurred shadow screams by. Dark colored car with no lights on. How do those people see where they are going? Watch out for them, seems this time of year it starts. The reasons are many but it won't matter if they smear you. Seems...
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    More like murder- Motorcyclists killed
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    USS Indianapolis found after 72 years Amazing story about that cruiser and after all this time it seems to have been found. While the main part if the ship is still waiting to be found, at least now it's know with certaintly where parts of it came to...
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    A different way to improve situational awareness

    I'm not sure where this should go so in General it is. Over the last few weeks I've changed how I check speed, going from MPH to FPS (feet per second). Now is the time to click away if this sounds in any way hokey. In reading through posts and related stories of crashes involving impacts...
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    HD recalls 57,000 motorcycles for oil line defect

    Harley Davidson announced a recall. " oil line can come loose, spewing oil into the path of the rear tire." There have been crashes as a result of the failure.
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    Motorcyclist Safety Crackdown in Petaluma Came across this. Some interesting stats incuded in the article.
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    If Scooters are your thing, BMW is calling Might this be a precusor to an electric motorcycle by the marquee?
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    Observation of texting drivers and why to stay away

    Driving the sled this morning I come to a stop light. Being several cars back I leave some space, you know, the insurance zone. I glance over and there is a gal in a green Subaru texting. She has both hands on the phone and is going at it. Like a good texter she leaves more room between her...
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    Grip Puppies alternatives

    I use them and like them except they are too thick. Something about half as thick would be the ticket. I don't want to change the grips underneath, they are heated and work exacrly as I like. Anyone use an alternative even if made from a different material?
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    Extinction around the corner for White Rhino A shame for sure. I thought that once a species reached a certain low population threshold that there was no way to perpetuate that species in a healthy way. A laypersons...
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    Teenager gangs taking root in SF. The SFPD better get a handle on this, its a trend. I happened to see a similar incident in SF 2 weeks ago, teenagers running in a pack and acosted a 30s something woman.
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    Lane sharing on both sides at the same time

    I happened to see this yesterday on 101 north of the GG and could only imagine the impending doom. I'm in the #2 lane so #1 on the left, #3 on the right. Two riders go by one on each side at high warp speeds and as traffic ahead slowed quickly they both slipped between traffic, one between the...
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    Journalism still has hope

    If more perseverance and quality reached the profession news today would probably look quite different. There...