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  1. engineboy

    Forgive me, for I have sinned........

    F*kin Oakies Really Diggem Fix Or Repair Daily Found On Road Dead I have made a ton of $$ over the years working on Fords, and have always been a GM guy, but when the wife wanted a small 4x4 we drove everything out there, the 2005 toyotas, dodges and nissans are too ugly for our liking (dont...
  2. engineboy

    Mad Props to Nevada

    All week long I have been hearing public service adds on all the local radio stations about being aware of motorcycles and their riders. They tell you about how motorcycles are less visable when you (the car) are turing left accross traffic and the bikes are coming towards you. They basically...
  3. engineboy

    Please keep checking the "How tos"

    More and more being added all the time. :cool Thanks again to Alanrider and Elskippawhatever for all the great tips :p :thumbup to you both :teeth EB