Search results

  1. HeatXfer

    The Trump 'dump'

    This is the add I saw waiting for the streamed Donald Trump speech at the California Republican Convention. lol: YbYWhdLO43Q
  2. HeatXfer

    Cool scrap metal sculptures from Thailand

    Just found this site poking around. There's bikes but there's a little bit of everything.
  3. HeatXfer

    Acceptable symbols of atrocities?

    Watching MotoII this morning I started thinking about Johann Zarco's helmet adorned with the Japanese "Kyokujitsu-ki":"Rising Sun", the well known war-time symbol of Japan. While that's apparently completely acceptable despite the atrocities perpetrated upon Asian and Western countries (I'm not...
  4. HeatXfer

    Armotia R & DUE X: 2WD electric

    Armotia: DUE R & DUE X
  5. HeatXfer

    Bowflex 'Xceed'

    NEW LOW PRICE - FREE Comes with all the handles, straps, cables, clips, bars etc. Instructions & CD included. I can deliver, within reason (50 mile radius from Richmond). Anyway, click this link for the pics. PM if you're interested. Thanks
  6. HeatXfer

    Contour Roam 3 on sale at Fry's

    Saw this ad this morning: $129.00
  7. HeatXfer

    Spermbot? Really?

    Do we really need this? Spermbot Ww-x-VIFh-Q
  8. HeatXfer

    Bowie, Rickman, ?

    Do celebrity deaths really come in "threes"? Both Bowie and Rickman were unexpected, at least to me. Who's next? (No poll, too many candidates)
  9. HeatXfer

    Is FasTrak really cheaper than Toll Takers?

    I was wondering how much exactly does the FasTrak program cost to maintain? I haven't found any solid info on the web or from Cal Trans, don't know if they even publish the overhead. Anyway, below is a pic of 31 "Toll Evasion" violations I received while crossing the 3 Bay Area bridges over the...
  10. HeatXfer

    Winter has arrived in Norway

  11. HeatXfer

    Honda Neowing tilting trike

  12. HeatXfer

    New Zealand Moto Collection Up for Grabs

    Gizmag Linky Catalog of offerings here From Gizmag
  13. HeatXfer

    New in box Callaway 300 Laser range finder

    New in box, unopened Callaway 300 Laser Range finder. At the most expensive sporting goods store I've ever seen (Dick's, go figure) they're $279.99 The cheapest internet price I've seen is $209 at Asking $125.
  14. HeatXfer

    Smart Signs - what's your take?

    Will they help or will they be just another distraction? Testing of the new Smart Signs was started earlier this year with plans for full activation by summer's end. We have yet to see a full scale test of the system during peak travel times. I'm not sure how the general driving public is...
  15. HeatXfer

    Coincedence? I lol'd

  16. HeatXfer

    Gettin' ready for the BART-less weekend

    I've got to go into the City on both Sat & Sun this weekend. Day-to-day with the regular commuters is a piece of cake and I can handle the out of state knuckle-head tourist traffic, but with BART down for the weekend we're gonna have every every Tom, Dick and Doesn't commute Harry on that bridge...
  17. HeatXfer

    Pics: Caught texting

    I searched for a dedicated thread for posting video screen caps of texting cagers but found none, so I thought I'd start one. Obviously this is just me whining a bit and I'm sure some will point that out. We all see this and it proves nothing, but It makes me feel better. Riding home Friday I...
  18. HeatXfer

    PSA: Be Extra Careful this weekend

    As riders do we really need to tell each other to be careful, specially on holidays where many drivers and riders are consuming lots of alcohol? Probably not, but a little reminder couldn't hurt. Our community in particular is at greater risk this weekend. Please be careful out there, be more...
  19. HeatXfer

    Fatality- NB 101 near Brokaw

    Ugh. I heard it on the radio at about 6:00AM. Saw it on the CHP page but now it's gone. EDIT - Thank you Climber
  20. HeatXfer

    Kiegwin Safety Car?

    I saw something interesting tonight on the way home from work: At about 5:30PM on NB 101 next to SFO I saw Lance Keigwin driving the Keigwins@TheTrack Official Safety Car, a really trick BMW i8 all tricked-out in a really cool custom wrap, in the #1 lane. Not so remarkable you say? I thought it...