Recent content by Scrap

  1. Scrap

    Misguided - No, just bloody stupid

    Besides being blatantly discriminatory, what were the Utah Highway Patrol thinking when they set up a motorcycle only checkpoint and disrupt traffic. Is this a common practice in the USA? :thumbdown
  2. Scrap

    Why God, Why? (Car tires on a bike)

    Fairly common practice over here, especially on the heavier bikes. Those using car tyres on bikes have nothing but positive comments. Bike does tend to straighten up a little more quickly coming out of bends, but you get used to that pretty quickly. Its also been checked to ensure that its...
  3. Scrap

    *NWS* The Paddock Girls/Umbrella girls (NSFW images MUST be linked)

    Stacey Mc So you seem to like our do we! :ride:ride
  4. Scrap

    Women Ride

    We have heaps of female riders here in all age groups. I ride with a group that has two seventy year old women attending regularly. They're actually celebrated in the attached event. :ride:ride
  5. Scrap

    Motivational Posters (NSFW images must be linked)

    Thought she looked familiar!
  6. Scrap

    People of BARF! I need your HALP!

    I'd vote for you, as long as I can have the contents depicted below.
  7. Scrap

    Bloody Aussie

    Hi Riders, New to BARF but not new to riding. Live in Perth, Western Australia and ride a Shadow ACE. Been riding for 30 plus years and had only two offs - two more than needed. My home is in the hills with plenty of interesting twisty rides so I can spend hours turning hydrocarbons into...