Recent content by ninja_rydr

  1. ninja_rydr

    Here is mine, lets see yours...

    NO! not that :twofinger Netflix...Whats on your Queue? In Good Company Shaun of the Dead The Wedding Date White Noise Amadeus The Aviator Sideways Gettysburg Gods & Generals Beyond the Sea Fisher King Little Black Book The Clearing...
  2. ninja_rydr

    best blonde joke...

    :teeth linky
  3. ninja_rydr

    funny little flash

    Starwars/Apple spoof it loads quick. Worth a watch Click Me
  4. ninja_rydr

    Cool online moto-trials game

    takes sec to get used to the controls (arow keys) but it's fun. game
  5. ninja_rydr

    Things not to do when...

    You finally become an Evil Overlord :teeth The List
  6. ninja_rydr


    Don't open . It's not some picture screaming "gay porn" with some guy bent over grabbing his ass, infact there is zero nudity. Some silly 'ghost' isn't going to jump from an otherwise normal picture and if you were to open it, it would be completely work safe.
  7. ninja_rydr

    Training Day Question...

    I was watching Trainging Day last week. When Alonzo 1st goes to Imperial Heights (where his GF and son live) one of the guys he talks to before he goes upstairs says "Whats happenig Damu?" So I was also listening to Westside Connection and in the song "All the Critics in New York" Mac10 has...
  8. ninja_rydr

    Which Colossal Death Robot are you?

    Which Colossal Death Robot Are
  9. ninja_rydr

    Mercedes and Harley joint F1 venture

    hrrm :p
  10. ninja_rydr

    Linux users beware (Virus Alert)

    "the virus will spread rapidly through the Linux Community." Sounds like a bad one, read about it Here
  11. ninja_rydr

    Poor 'lil gixxer...

    Taken from No details yet, except that the rider was wearing his gear but no gloves :eek
  12. ninja_rydr

    Har(d)ely Rider Goes Down...

  13. ninja_rydr

    For the Pimp who has almost everything

    :troy here you go...
  14. ninja_rydr

    P2P fans look here...

    Representative Howard Berman has introduced legislation that would grant copyright holders near-immunity from the law while attacking a citizen's computer. The bill protects copyright holders from legal action stemming from denial-of-service attacks on people whom they suspect of using material...
  15. ninja_rydr

    One Hour Photo...

    My friends and I go to the movie just about every week. I'd guess I enjoy better than 95% of all the movies I see but O.H.P. is the biggest piece of crap I've seen since Original Sin. Don't waste your time on this film don't even rent it. I give it 12 thumbs down :zzz