California superspeeders are racking up 100 mph tickets

Tom G

"The Deer Hunter"
No in Germany, you don't move over for faster vehicle, you already moved over after you made a pass. Nobody hogs the outside lane like they do here.:x

Correct, you are legally required to use the right lane, only with 4+ lanes you are allowed to use the 2 rightmost lanes. Same as for trucks in CA. And speed liit is enforced, radar system + camera sitting next to the road on a tripod, you get the ticket with payslip in the mail.

If you are drunk and kill somebody in a accident then it's jail time.


Well-known member
The au pairs I used to diddle in college said it was $2000 to get driver training and testing in Germany. That was 1988-89

I would strongly support a massive overhaul of the DMV testing scheme. My grandma needs a retest something awful. Should have had her license revoked decades ago. Pure luck all her totaled cars never resulted in injuries to others.

The speeding is real, but so is the enforcement. CHP is hanging out with camaros in the usual spots picking off the quickest of the bunch.


megalomaniacal troglodyte
Staff member
fines in Germany are based on income. none of this flat rate sillyness where the fine isn't even pocket change for a lot of the big offenders

What I'm trying to figure out is why are CHP suddenly waiting in the cut like the 80's and 90's? Where were they before COVID-19?

i've seen this too, but can't for certain say it's just that i'm noticing now or has actually been a behavioral change of the CHP


Well-known member
I asked a German about how fast people drive on the Autobahn. He said that most are driving a reasonable speed to save fuel.

Also plenty of sections of Autobahn have variable speed limits.

It has been a while since I drove in Germany, but I thought that their system worked pretty well. In open countryside, there are no entry or exit lanes, so the speed limit was open. But, as you approached a city, or hazard such as a bridge, they would step down the speed 120->100->80 km/h. Then once you were past the restricted area, it would step back up again.

As far as enforcement is concerned, they would still persue and ticket people that were driving too fast for conditions.


I say we raise freeway speeds to 100mph.

Speeding tickets are just another tax. Nobody drives 65 anymore.

Raise the speed limit to 100 and people start driving 120. Keep it where its at and cops ignore 90. There is some logic to where its currently set.


Well-known member
Raise the speed limit to 100 and people start driving 120. Keep it where its at and cops ignore 90. There is some logic to where its currently set.

Yep,the speed limit is set for the lowest common denominator. Here in the US we do a really poor job of training and certifying drivers and the fines are stupid cheap.
I'll bet the fines collected don't even cover the cost of enforcement. I know CHP does not receive any funding from fines or court costs.

Tom G

"The Deer Hunter"
Certainly not the first time they were orderly out of fear of the system.
(finds history book and blows the dust off of it)

The fines were not that expensive either. Last ticket I got for about 10 mi over the limit was DM 40, or $ 20 by the time mid 90s. Signed the pay slip, put my account number in and dropped it at the bank. Done.
There is a Bussgeldkatalog, or price list, what the fine is for every code violation. Probably online these days.


Merely Rhetorical
What is a third world virus?

You know why it was called the Spanish flu, right? You could apply the same criteria with this virus. And no, the Spanish flu did not necessarily originate in Spain.

Now, you might argue about what qualifies as a third world country. A first world discussion to go along with first world problems, like speed traps.

To the topic, most Americans don't understand how the Autobahn works, they just think, NO SPEED LIMIT! That, is an old American tradition :party


Well-known member
We were stationed in Germany from 1970-75 and remember the autobahn well.
On one particular trip in our 69 Oldsmobile Delta 88 (455 :cool) it was late at night and we’re heading home with mom driving ,dad and little bro asleep in the front,me and my two sisters asleep in back.
I wake up and look over the seat and mom has the 120 mph speedo buried,that has always stuck in my mind.:thumbup
Don’t even think we had seatbelts on.


Worthless piece of poo
Sooooo play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I was pulled over yesterday on 580 W just south of the San Rafael Bridge. The ironic part is having posted this thread & seeing a $900 fine for over 100 I was being extra careful to not exceed that speed. I wasn't even close yet the officer insisted I was doing 105 at least. I most certainly was not. He was nice & said he wrote I was only doing 99.

Thanks, I guess.

He didn't have me sign anything nor did he give me a ticket. Was this just a warning? Seems too good to be true.

I'll post on the LEO forum for some advice

PS The ironic ironic part is the bridge was down to one lane so the bridge traffic was backed up some. If I had been doing over 100 he probably wouldn't have caught up to me before I started splitting through the traffic & I would have gotten away oblivious to his chase. Ugh


Well-known member
I dunno, do you really think LEO have to lie in order to write tickets? There enough low hanging fruit that they can write as many tickets as they have the time for.
He got you pulled over for speeding. By your own admission, you were doing close to 100 on the 580. That's all kinds of stupid.


Worthless piece of poo
I forgot to ask why was the Officer so sure I was doing 105 when I was not? Is this some kind of confirmation bias? What's up with that?


Untitled work in progress
I got caught once driving my old truck through northern Arizona at a buck oh five. Looked down saw my fuel gauge falling on its face and saw a sign noting gas at the next exit and the next gas after was 60 miles away. So I let off the accelerator and coasted to the exit ramp. As I got on the exit ramp at about 90 I looked in the rear view and saw a silver blacked out crown Victoria. Slick top. I pulled over without even being lit up. I thought he might appreciate that. My only thought was did he catch me at 90 or 105. As he approached my window the first thing he said was "this thing will haul ass won't it?". So I knew he was back there awhile and just didn't catch up till I started to slow down. I didn't argue anything and he wrote me up for 90. Saw my base sticker and asked if I was a marine. I said no. He said too bad he would have let me go. A couple lessons learned on that one.

I have no idea how long he was there. He didn't get me on a gun but he paced me slowing down to 90.


Staff member
Interesting comments here. With the right conditions, over 100 is not dangerous. Those conditions exist for me frequently, especially currently.

Piloting a vehicle while not paying attention is dangerous. Really fucking dangerous. Improper tire pressure is dangerous. Lots of things are dangerous.

Keep your shit together and bring life to an acceptable level of risk.

Edit, yeah, I’ve had some big tickets but no one has written me up for over 100. I seem to be able to space them out sufficiently to enjoy traffic school repeatedly.
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mean dad

Well-known member
You know why it was called the Spanish flu, right? You could apply the same criteria with this virus. And no, the Spanish flu did not necessarily originate in Spain.

Because they were not involved with the war, and had a much free-er press than other countries including the United States (where it originated).
Since they were the first to report on it, we gleefully called it the Spanish Flu.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Time to call some CHP buddy passengers and see if I can hit that "as tested" 201 Mph!