the latest hot Access Issue and what everyone, and their friends, need to do next...


Staff member
There is a lot to sift thru here on the intrawebz. This is what I think is critical at the moment (8/16/12):

1. California OHV Green Sticker Trust fund grab-
contact your State Assemblymember and Senator and tell them to oppose this budget legislation...

2. Clear Creek National Recreation creation by Sam Farr-
contact your Congressperson and tell them to support HR6286 and ask their fellow legislators to do the same...

AMA linky to find your legislators.

We must make noise to be heard. We must vote. They must know we, and our friends, vote. Snailmail, email and phone call make a huge difference.

It is these guys jobs to represent you. Let them know you are paying attention.


Staff member
The Pinnicles National Park act just landed on Obama's desk. The Senate passed it like yesterday. This should include Clear Creek National Recreation Area.



Staff member
Carnegie and the Tesla expansion; June 10 meeting in Tracy. I'll start a thread,,,