The Chamber


Staff member
That show was pretty lame, alright! But, you have to admit, that'd be pretty fun to see how well you could do if you were a contestant. So, viewer satisfaction: LOW... contestant satisfaction: HIGH. IMHO, that is.


Active member
Yeah... it sucked ballz... I will never waste a portion of my life on it again.... "BRING IT ON!!!!" how freakin lame was that guy???

hahaha just my $.02


Well-known member
Nope....missed that, and let me tell you my world is so screwed up for missing it.

The second I saw the first commercial for that thing I was like "OMFG HOW FOOKIN STUPID"

TSC girl

Well-known member
That was a pretty lame show but I have to admit that I watched the entire show. I don't think I will be watching it again!