Site Maintenance Complete


Staff member
I upgraded PHP to address a recently discovered vulnerability and upgraded vBulletin from 2.2.0 to 2.2.3. All went w/o a hitch but that doesn't mean we won't have any problems.

Please be on the lookout for odd behavior, broken links, missing graphics, etc.



Staff member
...and yet there was a problem after all. For those of you who wish to know:

1) I upgraded PHP last night

2) I updated vBulletin last night.

3) The httpd process crashed. this happened two weeks ago, I'll have to look into it.

4) When httpd restarted it reloaded the PHP configuration

5) The location of the MySQL process socket was not where the default PHP configuration was looking

6) vBulletin could not communicate w/ MySQL through PHP

So to fix it I had to reconfigure the location of the MySQL socket in the PHP configuration file. Once done the site came back up. I had dumped the database to see if it was corrupt and imported the last backup. Once up and running I restored the "corrupt" backup and discovered that all was well.

Sorry for the trouble... shouldn't happen again.