HCP - Habitat Conservation Plan


Staff member
We have been involved as members of the Liason Group (as BRC) for several years.

The Deanster and others have attended some of the meetings, as have I.
The plan is in the implementation stages now.

If you want to have some influence on how our open spaces are regulated, this is one of the ways to do it.

Meeting this afternoon:

Attached is the packet for this the next meeting of the Implementation and Governing Boards this Thursday, June 20th starting at 3:00 pm at the Santa Clara Valley Water District Headquarters Building Board Chambers, 5750 Almaden Expressway, San Jose. Our apologies for the late arrival of the Packet.
Ken Schreiber,
Interim Executive Officer

I can;'t seem to attach the meeting packet, but it is also available on this linky: