first ride since my injury


Well-known member
I broke my left wrist almost 3 months ago. The bone is healed but i still have some torn ligaments, and my ulna wanders out of place when i use my wrist. I dont have 100% control or strength in my left hand but yesterday was too nice to stay locked up. Some buddies and i decided to catch the sunset at baker beach after work.





General Menace
Staff member
Good to be back on two eh?

Wrists take a while. Expect it to be 6 months before you forget it is there. It still will be, but a good ride will help you forget.


Well-known member
thanks! it actually does.. tho i had to pop my wrist back in after the ride.. always a funny feeling.. :/


General Menace
Staff member
Yeah... Time will heal and the good vibe of riding will help you over come. Lots of wrist curls, hand exercises and constant mobility moves are the key. I remember pasting mine with DMSO so I could go race. Probably the reason my brain functions still say go for it Bud.

The things we do for love........ Of two wheels.


Well-known member
Nice pics...making me homesick.

DMSO is an analgesic that is known for it's fast acting properties. It gets in yr body so fast there was a big uproar for awhile that it would replace needles for junkies as it can act as a delivery system on top of it's intended useage.


Well-known member
interesting! wrist is still in the mend. I'm getting a good amount of mobility back, but not quite all there yet. Working out sucks, I can't life free-weights anymore and im definitely much weaker now. I've lost like 15 pounds since the accident. Also, it hurts when its humid or raining or cold.