CHP inspection, slip-ons...


Hi all,

So, I have a 2017 Triumph that I bought out of state (new old stock, from a dealer.) When I went to the DMV to register it in state, they did the DMV inspection (basically just confirming VIN and engine numbers), and that's also when they check the smog sticker. Which is under the seat. For some reason, the seat was stuck and wouldn't come off at first, and the inspector just shrugged it off and signed my paperwork. What she DIDN'T tell me was that she marked the paper 'unable to confim' as far as the CA smog. (The Triumph is California compliant and does have a sticker to that effect.)

So, after getting my registration, I later got a notice from DMV in the mail saying that I need CHP to sign off on the smog thing. I have an appointment to take it over there (seat comes off no problem now, so should be simple to show the sticker and get it signed off.)

But here's my question... I have some very basic (not loud or flashy at all. Nothing that's out of compliance in terms of noise or emissions) CONE shorty-type slip-ons on it. Is the CHP inspector likely to have a problem with that?

I appreciate any advice!


They're not... So they're actually likely to notice that they're not stock? (they look stock, unless you really know Bonnevilles.)


Yeah, may have to do that... was just curious about how likely CHP is to notice the non-stock exhaust, when it's a new bike and there's a CA smog sticker.



I've had 3 fixit tickets signed off by the CHP with a Leo Vince and Yosh system on the bike, They never batted an eye.



Numbers McGee
Swapping the mufflers on that bike is about as easy as it comes... shouldn't take you more than what, 15 minutes? Whereas if you don't pass CHP inspection you may have to wait 1 month + for another appointment. Why risk it?


Mr. Dual Sport Rider
If you have the original pipes, put them on and go get your inspection. I don't understand why you would even take the chance if it's easy to get it back to original.


FN # 40
Staff member
Swapping the mufflers on that bike is about as easy as it comes... shouldn't take you more than what, 15 minutes? Whereas if you don't pass CHP inspection you may have to wait 1 month + for another appointment. Why risk it?

If you have the original pipes, put them on and go get your inspection. I don't understand why you would even take the chance if it's easy to get it back to original.

OP, nobody can tell you for sure what's going to happen, so the advice above is the best. If you have the original parts, and it's easy to swap, might as well play it safe and do it.


Thanks all. Good point. Safest to throw the stock pipes back on. (yeah, it's fairly quick, but... if everyone said "no, they won't even look at that," then why waste the time... so that's why I asked :)