Carnegie Request

Lucky Jones

Ride on #69
From an email at 10:27 today:

"Congratulations Carnegie Riders! We had a fantastic turnout for the General Plan meeting on June 10th sponsored by the California State Parks OHV Division, at Tracy High, Tracy, CA and we want to thank OHV Staff, and everybody who was able to attend and vote for: Concept 3 - Diversify OHV Recreation.

This concept (#3 of 3) is favored universally by the Board of Directors of Carnegie Forever, Inc. because it is most closely allied with our reason for riding at our park – OHV family recreation.

Our Pro OHV attendees substantially outnumbered the Anti-OHV group (20:1). We are a force to be reckoned; but the fight is not over. We need your continued participation in the planning process. This will ultimately result in a new General Plan that guides future management of Carnegie SVRA and the much needed Alameda/Tesla Expansion.

Now what do next? (please – ASAP)

Go online to:

Review the materials and then click on comment form which will send an e-mail from you to the General Plan Project Team in Sacramento. Vote for Concept #3.
Be sure to take some time and add personal requests/suggestions. In particular, let them know of our opposition to any sort of non-OHV recreation in our park.
Don’t let our enemies take away our voice and our park. They will never stop trying to steal it from us and turn it into a hiking area. They will be voting for Concepts 1 and 2 which don’t favor OHV recreation.
Our opponents have the ability to flood the OHV Division with over 7,000 emails.

How many can we submit? It’s up to you friends.

With our appreciation as always,
Diana Tweedy, Board Member, Carnegie Forever, Inc

Yes, of course you can donate:
Carnegie Forever, C/O Dave Duffin 344 Westline Dr. Ste. C113, Alameda, CA, 94501"

Get out there and let them know what you want.
