Broke My Ankle - Non Moto


Well-known member
Having had a L3-L5 spinal fusion 5 years ago from a compound burst fracture I can for sure say that my lack of mobility and physical activity is taking its toll on my back, and I feel your pain and frustration, NAP. Sending some good painless vibes your way..

I agree, I am very fortunate when it comes to my injuries, I have flirted with my mortality since early childhood. Falling out of the upstairs window at 2, destroying my face on a curb in a scooter accident at 5, breaking my left foot jumping off a wall at 8, flipping my WRX down a hill into a ditch at 17, breaking my back after overshooting a snowboard jump and hitting the flat ice at 19 just to name a few I can remember.
None of my accidents have been motorcycle related, however I have only been riding for a year and a half (almost 20k miles so far! I love it!) not saying it is inevitable, not saying it won't happen either. After being involved with this club this year, you guys are all I really feel like I am a part of up here in the Bay..I haven't lived here for long.
Like many of us do, we cope, we deal, we try our best to get better and move on.
For some of us this is a quick blip..whats a few months or a year in a WHOLE lifetime? Not much, and that way of thinking is exactly how I got through my last recovery and I thank my shining stars that there is a "end date" for this..give or take..
For others, the opposite holds true and an accident is a major life altering experience.
My heart goes out to every single member here who has been affected by an accident, one way or another..whether it was you directly, a loved one, or dealing with the guilt of feeling at fault for someone else.

I was hesitant to post this here considering I was not riding a motorcycle at the time. After spending hours reading and combing through the threads in this section, and reading about some of our fallen members..and really breaking down and sobbing in front of my computer because of the profound words and thoughts that are exchanged here on a daily basis in this tight knit community, I changed my mind.

The stories of suffering and healing, the support everyone is so quick to offer, and triumphant recovery of some of you.. riders getting back in the saddle, regaining independence, or just flat out learning how to be new people... it is inspiring. It helps put a better perspective on injury. It helps to know I am not alone, it helps to know that maybe, just maybe me sharing my piss poor story might give another rider hope if he or she finds themselves in the same situation. What to expect, what to look forward to, things to avoid, and the opportunity to learn the true colors of this great MC.

My splint is coming off tomorrow for a check up, fresh x rays, and I may get to start PT next week. I'm hoping so, because it's not just my ankle now, I need my back to get stronger again. The swelling has subsided a lot, to the point where the splint feels loose, however, when I put my leg down and start to move it tightens up real quick and turns purple. Today I was able to take my new knee scooter outside to walk my dog for a few minutes, its just incredible the things I used to not be so fond doing, I love to do now.

If I can come out of this a better and stronger person, it will be worth it. Finally, I am glad to be able to share this with everyone..if I make a couple new friends from the whole deal here, cool! Cause you all are a real good group of people.



Großer Mechaniker
Just saw this thread. Sounds like you did exactly what I did to my ankle a couple years ago.

When your cast is off and you're gonna start PT you should seriously get one of the cyro cuff things because it gonna swell a lot once you start working those tight healed ligaments. Here it is 27 months later, and my ankle still hurts, still swells, and still gives me a shooting pain every so often if it moves funny (walking on loose dirt/sand is some nervous times!). The Cryo Cuff I got is the "IC" model that has an aim pump which cycles between pressurizing and releasing the cuff. Between the cold and the compression, I use that thing for an hour and my ankle looks like normal size again.



Hope the healing is going well. Make sure you do your PT like the other poster mentioned, once you are ready. Sounds like you have enough injury experience to understand its importance.

I truly feel for you, and particularly understand what it feels like to have moments where you are in so much pain and are so physically limited that you break down from frustration and exhaustion. The doggie/scooter ride sounds like it brought you a bit of much needed euphoria. It's those small moments when we briefly recall what life was like before the pain set in, and allow us to feel alive once more and have that much needed push to keep going.

Doggies are a great source of support, and so are friends on this forum, like you mentioned. Hope the recovery goes well and that you are not suffering too much.


General Menace
Staff member
Damn Blake.. missed this until now.

Time goes pretty fast really.. heal up well man.!