Search results

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    Juicero, Juicero, where for art thou Juicero!

    Disclaimer: I am not a fan of the so-called "internet of things" and fully despise the worst parts of Silicon Valley's disconnected-from-reality view that "tech solves all problems" TL;DR silicon valley VCs pump millions into juicer product because they have money to burn apparently i read...
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    Going to see WSBK in July at Laguna Seca

    anyone else going/planning on going to this? FIM World Suberbike @ Laguna Seca July 7-9 my friend and i just bought tickets through some ducati island promo, do you think they'll let me park with all the cool kids when i show up...
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    M4MM Thank you!

    Thanks to the two riders who stopped to help me tonight on 85S near De Anza exit. Yellow sport bike and black (?) cruiser (?). Thanks for helping me pick up my bike and check on me/my bike, much appreciated. I owe you guys a beer :thumbup :Port
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    safe/reasonable weaving to keep tire from flat-spotting

    i've been told by numerous experienced riders that if you're mostly commuting a lot of freeway miles and relatively few twisties then your tires will develop a flat section down the middle, the rear especially. this is undesirable for a number of reasons (won't go into them here). so, if you...
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    New pants/jeans and pads, Dianese 50 and AGV Sport 32x32

    Items have been returned just this week i received my order of riding pants from Revzilla. the sizes aren't quite right for me so i thought i'd put them up on BARF before going through the return process (which due to the holidays could take up to 2mo+). i also bought knee and hip pads that i...
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    S-turn + wuss new rider = no bueno

    glad i can laugh about my first crash, i've definitely learned from it and hopefully others will too. couple weekends ago a nice, easy saturday morning ride. i came up on a short right-to-left S-turn in a residential-ish area out near Calero Reservoir, i'm probably going 20-30 mph. i make the...
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    Greetings all ye barfers, I was lurking on the forums for a couple months now, sneakie sneakerson. Really enjoyed all the information and community resources you guys offer so I figure it's time to get in on the action and maybe even contribute something of my own down the line. Bought my...