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  1. m_asim

    Goddamn immigrants!

    Pretty cool map showing the goddamn sources of immigrants arriving in this country and taking jobs from real Americans.
  2. m_asim

    One day to spend: VT or ME

    I have one day next weekend to spend with the choice being either Vermont or Maine. What say ye KS inhabitants? I love seafood so Maine would be a gimme. But never been in Vermont. I heard there are hippies there. I thought about driving through to Montreal but that's a long drive just to eat...
  3. m_asim

    Kitchen backsplash tiles. Self install? Yeah? No?

    So I needed mosaic tiles installed in the kitchen (about 40 square feet total). The online instructions and videos make it look easy. The two quotes I got for the install labor only have been for $800 and $900 with me providing all the raw materials :wow I am sort of handy with tools (but not...
  4. m_asim

    Fresno idiot crashes into fighter jet

    RIP F-18 :(
  5. m_asim

    Annual physicals - are they useful?

    I've been mulling over getting an annual physical. Never done it before. Are they of any good use?
  6. m_asim

    Unlocked Samsung Galaxy s& or iPhone 6s: Where to buy?

    Unlocked Samsung Galaxy S7 or iPhone 6s: Where to buy? As the thread title says, I am looking to get unlocked newest Galaxy or iPhone that I can just put my own SIM and be on my way when traveling to Europe and Asia. Not interested in buying phones that lock me in to American carriers for two...
  7. m_asim

    Which celebrities alive would you like to meet?

    With the passing of George Kennedy, I was thinking which celebrity from the past would I like to visit and talk to before they fade away. A friend's bf had meet a large number of older celebs and collected a lifetime worth of stories.
  8. m_asim

    Best air quality in California?

    What area would have the best air quality in Cali? (Sorry BePor Fresno and the rest of the Central valley has one of the worst air quality)
  9. m_asim

    I heart the Girl Scouts mint cookies but ...

    not so sure after this report. If I ever run afoul of the law they will unveil my identity especially considering that I buy large volumes of these tasty treats :drool
  10. m_asim

    The meek shall not inherit the earth ....

    It will be my fellow phat folks. After expanding in North America and Europe, we are now growing in ever increasing numbers on other continents as well. Yay!
  11. m_asim

    Tire damage: is this normal wear and tear?

    Found a chunk of tire missing from my cage. Haven't seen this kind of damage before.
  12. m_asim

    War on Christmas continues

    Now they done gone and arrested Jesus Christ just days before his birthday :mad
  13. m_asim

    ISIS videos off of youtube!

    They hate US so much. Might as well stop using our companies. Start their own f'ing video service!
  14. m_asim

    Bocce balls: Recommend a brand

    So I played bocce ball for the first time and enjoyed the heck out of it. Now I gotsta have a bocce ball set. Recommend me a brand that is good but not expensive.
  15. m_asim

    This makes me proud to be an American!!!

    American airlines apologize to my phat brother! Fat discrimination is a real thing people :mad
  16. m_asim

    What makes you happy?

    For me it is fud. And you?
  17. m_asim

    Austin again - part deaux

    So I find myself back in Austin. The food adventures continue. Had pretty awesome ribeye steak with Mexican corn at the Roaring Fork. Never had corn peppers like that in California. Will try to get to Franklin barbecue next.
  18. m_asim

    Oh my gawd! Bay Area traffic is teh worst!

    So I was in the South and East Bay this past week. OMG the traffic is soooooo much worse than even a year ago. Where do all these people come from and why are they all on the road at the same time. I feel bad for all those sucker wasting their lives away in traffic. P.S. Lefty, Waze routed...
  19. m_asim


    So I am almost at the final stage of getting SolarCity install its panels on the house. The only pro I have for Solar city is that it is going to be charging 12c/kWh compared to the local utility that is now charging 17c/kWh. That and may be taking some of the direct sunlight off the roof so...
  20. m_asim

    Cabinet woodworking - how difficult to learn?

    So I have been looking to get new cabinets for kitchen and walk-in closet and they are in tens of thousands of dollars! :wow :wtf I am like the raw materials are in hundreds of dollars at most and I can pick and chose and size the components to fit my needs. My question is how hard it is to...