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  1. moto-rama

    Cool BMW feature

    This isn't mentioned in the brochure or anywhere in the owner's manual for my bike, but it shows that BMW thinks of everything.
  2. moto-rama

    Got the lid, Schuberth C4, but Sena SC1?

    There are some screaming good deals on Schuberth C4s right i got one. They come with a built-in Sena blue tooth setup (Speakers, Mic, wiring) for the Schuberth Sena SC1 intercom/bluetooth unit, but some are saying the SC1 is kind of crappy. They are planning to release an updated...
  3. moto-rama

    Weather forecasters don't care about riders

    I took delivery of my 2018 Roadster on November 24th of '18. It has rained nearly every day since. I know "We need the water" here in drought-prone Northern California, but this is getting ridiculous. During our recent 7 years of drought, I think I cleaned up my bikes like once a year, maybe...
  4. moto-rama

    "The itch"

    For me, it is usually at about the midline of my back, between my shoulder blades, in a place I could not reach, even with my 2 underlayers and Roadcrafter off. Or it's at the very top of my head, when my helmet is secured. When do they happen? Well, today, I had to be in San Jose at 10:00...
  5. moto-rama

    2nd time in a week, then 2nd time in a day

    Last week I mentioned that for the first time, ever, an LEO (CHP) returned a friendly wave from me. I pretty much wave at everyone on a motorcycle, and if they just so happen to be an LEO, that's nice, too. Anyway, I was sort of half-shocked last week, but the other day... I was riding through...
  6. moto-rama

    It's not all bad out there.

    I headed North this AM around 09:00, and took a spin up Mt Tam. There was a fair amount of leafy debris, little rivers and baby gravel beds on the Summit Road, and the temperature dropped from 54 F in Mill Valley to 40 F at the top. Brrr. I did find a bit of slithy toathy slickering on a few...
  7. moto-rama

    Pucker Factor

    I stumbled across this handy safety accessory on the interwebs this afternoon. I couldn't help butt think that BARFers might want this in their arse-enal of defensive tools. The S-ASS System
  8. moto-rama

    1st time in 52 years of riding.

    Today was the perfect day to head off to my part-time job of politely strafing unsuspecting tourists on the Shoreline Hwy. It was wonderfully uneventful until I reached the Muir Beach Overlook and encountered a CHP Motor, sitting there, waiting to snare some over-confidant codger out on a...
  9. moto-rama

    All right, I admit it, I hate the wind!

    I thought it would be a nice day to head over the Bay Bridge to the Ebay and ride Grizzly, Skyline, Redwood etc. So I did. Everything was fine, except on the bridge I noticed it was getting a little breezy. By the time I got home 4 hours later, my neck was twisted up in knots. It's one thing...
  10. moto-rama

    What is on your BMW?

    I got this Decoder site from another forum and wanted to pass it along to BMW owners here. Type in the last 7 digits of your VIN and get a print out of installed factory equipment, in German. (I copied and pasted in to Google translator to obtain the English version) Here is the link...
  11. moto-rama

    Why wear really good gear?

    It increases your chance of surviving a bad crash and either being dead, or really jacked up and unable to ride ever again. Then you will have a better chance of living and riding well in to your Codger-hood years, when you won't have to be working on days like today. You know, those crisp...
  12. moto-rama

    Small PSA: Stage Road

    I found one of the last corners with a large deposit of Chip Seal gravel on Stage Road. I had ridden through here the day before From Pescadero, and it seemed mostly OK, with only a few small patches of sand, gravel, nothing to get excited about, though. But heading South from San Gregorio...
  13. moto-rama

    Early-Onset Potato-mentia?

    I could almost like this bike, of course it would have to have mid-mounted pegs/controls, a higher spring saddle (bicycle type)....and who knows what else? But , I do like the basic looks, though, maybe it reminds me of my Uncle Lyle, Oakland PD motor, pinging some memory hidden deep in my...
  14. moto-rama

    GPS Tracker recommendations?

    Was thinking: If someone ever stole one of my bikes, I would like to be able to track it down, and recover it, not to mention the fun of assembling a large Flash Mob of aggrieved riders to do the actual recovery. Spy-Tech products get good reviews, but are there better alternatives?
  15. moto-rama

    Aerostich TF6 Armor

    I got the updated TF6 "soft" armor and wrestled it in to my Roadcrafter armor pockets. It's a bit tighter fit, that's for sure. I didn't have to trim it or otherwise cut it to fit, but the thought did cross my mind since it is somewhat harder to wedge in to the pockets. It did take a bit of...
  16. moto-rama

    Schlubbing a torx bolt.

    It seemed like the easiest thing in the world... Removing 2 Torx bolts to install a mudguard on the NewBike. I have been skeptical of torx since I got the KTM, but now I detest them. I have been turning screws, bolts, nuts for decades, and I cannot recall ever fuckingup a bolt with so little...
  17. moto-rama

    PSA Hwy35/Skyline debris

    Was up here (Between Hwy 9 and Hwy 92) the other day, lots of branches, pine needles and other storm-related debris along center line and middle of lanes. La Honda Pescadero Road also littered with various hazards. In other words, "good practice"! :afm199
  18. moto-rama

    Ass on seat, feet on pegs, wind in face...Red's First Run

    My brain clicked on at 5:30 AM. Of course there were 3 things on my mind. 1. Take a leak! 2. Drink coffee 3. Decide whether to head East, North or South. Then it was time for #4. I got my best under-apparel out, piled it on the toilet tank, then stood in the shower for 10 minutes, drinking...
  19. moto-rama

    The Gunther has landed

    In 1967 it was Gunther the white. In 2002, it was Gunther the Grey. In 2018, it is Gunther the ...
  20. moto-rama

    Ok, I've seen it all now

    The New MotoGuzzi V85 TT, kind of looks like an Air Jordan with tires! But I kind of like it, I think, not to buy, or ride, but to look at and wonder. Write up here