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  1. vaara

    Queer Biker Invasion of Death Valley - 10/11-13

    xposted from the Group Rides forum, sorry if that's not kosher... For anyone who's so inclined and has (or can get) next Monday off, it's a great ride. The route is SF - Manteca - Yosemite - overnight in Bishop - Death Valley (group photo at...
  2. vaara

    Queer Biker Invasion of Death Valley - 10/11-13

    Looks like no one has posted about this yet, so here you go. For anyone who's so inclined and has (or can get) next Monday off, it's a great ride. The route is SF - Manteca - Yosemite - overnight in Bishop - Death Valley (group photo at Zabriskie...
  3. vaara

    Son of the Bride of the Return of the BARF Presidential Poll, Part 2: The Next Sequel

    But this one is exciting and different! It's a "should win/will win" poll. By "should win" I mean, who do you want to win. "Will win" should be fairly self-explanatory. Enjoy!
  4. vaara

    Feds sue Dudley Perkins for gender discrimination

    I'm sure a lot of people here will think that Bowen Dean -- a female Harley mechanic who was relegated to an office job by Dudley Perkins management while less-qualified male employees got to work on bikes -- should just STFU, but it sounds to me like she has a pretty good case...
  5. vaara

    Will the Internet save us?

    Thinking out loud here... So the gloom 'n' doom predictions have got me wondering. Everyone is agreed that we're in for hard times; the only question is how bad it's going to be. Are we talking 1981 here, or 1929? Or something even worse? But I don't really think any historical precedents can...
  6. vaara

    Governor's pen is busy

    Poor Arnold is going to have to fap with his non-writing hand for a while... (actually, I just felt like using that headline :teeth)
  7. vaara

    The financial crisis: who's responsible?

    Check all that apply. :teeth
  8. vaara

    Shop owner shoots thief dead

    Haven't seen any posts about this yet, so... Little bastard had it coming. Yet I saw on the news last night that some people had set up a little memorial to him, with candles, teddy bears, and other crap. Would...
  9. vaara

    The Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator

    There's Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow, and Piper... and now, Steak Leather Palin! :rofl
  10. vaara

    Where to ride 160mph safely?

    Believe it or not, this is not a troll post. :p In July, my friend's Triumph Sprint ST was stolen, and three weeks later it was recovered. Except for the ignition switch, and the bar ends (which had been taken off -- WTF?) it was in good condition. But when he checked the trip computer, which...
  11. vaara

    Who died and made Grover Norquist king?

    You may be asking, who the fuck is Grover Norquist? I'll come to that. As most of you know, California is in the midst of (yet another) budget crisis... 10 weeks and counting without a new state budget. The Governor and the Assembly have to find a way of coming up with about $13 billion to...
  12. vaara

    Whoo-hoo -- D'oh! [WaMu SNAFU] Shares down 60% in 3 days... Note to self: check next WaMu CC statement, see if they've jacked my rate up to 39% or something as they scramble for extra cash. :|
  13. vaara

    Wanna see Sarah Palin naked?

    Just buy one of these. And PS, before you Palinators go nucular on me for linking to a site that refers to her as "Caribou Barbie," please note that it's a right-wing blog. K?
  14. vaara

    Sounds like Blue Angels

    Hearing loud aircraft just now here in Alameda. Anyone else hearing this and/or know what's going on? Weird.
  15. vaara

    Moto reviews in the SF Chronicle

    Interesting. Last Saturday they reviewed the new Connie; the week before, the VFR800. I have to agree with the comments saying that the reviews aren't particularly helpful, but the fact that they're running moto reviews at all is slightly encouraging IMHO. I might actually start reading the...
  16. vaara

    Best typo ever!

    So good, it has its own web page. (SFW, but for a silly line drawing of some naughty bits) :nerd
  17. vaara

    How do you cut your ignition?

    I'm sure this has been done befoRe, but what the hell. There's a discussion in Another Forum about how people cut their ignitions. For some reason, I never ever use my kill switch, and always always use the key after shifting into neutral. Am I weird? :loco So how do you usually first cut your...
  18. vaara

    Time to lower the drinking age?

    A bunch of college administrators think so. I'm in favor of it. It's beyond absurd that an 18-year-old can vote, drive, get married, join the military, etc., but can't legally enjoy a beer.
  19. vaara

    China vs. Christians

    Two of our favorite topics, now combined for your arguing pleasure. :teeth clicky
  20. vaara

    Your first street crash -- when was it?

    As the debate over tiered licensing and other safety-related proposals rages on, I thought it might be interesting to see if there's any correlation between experience and training (or lack thereof) and crashing. Obviously, this poll will not (a) be representative of motorcyclists as a whole or...