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  1. Shotline

    Starwars takeoffs, which is better.

    So which do you think is better? I gotta give it to Robot Chicken.:rofl
  2. Shotline

    They are kidding right? US Navy Seals face Courts Martial for doing their job

    You have go to be kidding me. Some guy who killed blackwater security guards, burned thier bodies and hung them from a bridge is crying because he got a bloody lip??? And the military is charging them with abuse???:wtf,2933,576646,00.html Navy SEALs have...
  3. Shotline

    Cell phone compatible BARF

    So I just got a cell phone that can surf the web. What is the URL for the cell phone version of BARF? Thanks
  4. Shotline

    Something you definately won't see in San Francisco

    Out riding horses today with some friends and check out what we saw. These birds are awesome anytime but seeing them in the wild is incredible. Later we got to see one of them fishing.
  5. Shotline

    Liberal Atheist kills Army Recruiter

    Edit: Sorry, that should have been "Liberal Atheist TERRORIST kills Army Reccruiter",2933,523860,00.html Gunman Shoots 2 at Arkansas Military Recruitment Center Monday, June 01, 2009 DEVELOPING: An Army recruiter was shot and killed Monday at a recruiting...
  6. Shotline

    Obama set to micro manage the space program,2933,519380,00.html This is how government programs get out of control. Instead of letting the experts do their jobs, Obama wants to "review" and make recommendations on our space program. I knew Obama was a big proponent of science (and rightly so), but I never...
  7. Shotline

    Metallica - Have they ever made a bad song?

    I have been listening to my old Metallica CD's and every song is good. Although I don't agree totally with their stance on music sharing, it seems that they have never done a bad song?
  8. Shotline

    Another addictive game

    I am sure everyone remembers that game where you had to build a machine to complete a task. Well here is a more involved one. Enjoy.......just doing my part to destroy productivity.:rofl
  9. Shotline

    Liberal media duped

    So, the whole story about Palin thinking Africa was a country instead of a continent is false (no kidding). I expect all you libs who were bashing her over this will now apologize? Yeah right.:rofl
  10. Shotline

    Somebody screwed up.......

    They just gave me a job at the Sheriff's Department (well, not until Dec. 1st). Say hello to Deputy Shotline.:Party When do I get made mod for the leo forum?:laughing
  11. Shotline

    Media bias is alive and well (ABC misrepresents Palin quote with creative editing)

    They sure are going after Palin full bore. ABC Misrepresents Palin Quote in ‘Holy War’ Question by Friday, September 12, 2008 This promo of Sarah Palin's ABC News interview appeared on the...
  12. Shotline

    The democrats can't do anything right.,2933,378402,00.html So, this bill that would grant immunity to the telecom companies that helped with the supposed illegal wiretaps passed the Senate. How is this possible? The democrats were so dead set against this so how did it pass? Don't the democrats have...
  13. Shotline

    If you don't have a military history, make one up (Obama tells bald faced lie)

    So, after one democrat senetor says that McCain's military history and that he comes from a long line of admirals etc., Obama tells whopper of lies about his family's military service. Since he cannot talk about his own military service (because he doesn't have any), he tells tall tales about...
  14. Shotline

    Democrat says McCain unfit to be CIC.

    This has got to be one of the most idiotic things that has been said thus far in the presidential campaign season. Suddenly having a military career disqualifies you to be President? I think military service should be a prerequisite! Harkin Suggests Military Background Makes McCain Unfit to...
  15. Shotline

    Happy day to all you Mother.....s out there

    Hope all the mothers of BARF enjoy their special day.:Party Also may this serve as a reminder/warning to those of you who may have forgotten.:rofl
  16. Shotline

    OPEC starves the world, America still #1

    I can't believe this shit. OPEC has more money than it knows what to do with and yet they won't give anything more than a pittance to help ease world hunger. And, as most of OPEC are Islamic countries I will take this opportunity to say again, religion of peace my ass...
  17. Shotline

    I wonder if this commercial got the response they were looking for?

    Seems like they are sending the wrong signals. Seems more like this is how program development is done on purpose.
  18. Shotline

    Can anyone figure out what this is?

  19. Shotline

    Obama shows he is not ready to be commander-in-chief

    Whether true or not (I suspect not), this is a reckless thing for a potential commander-in-chief to go around saying. The military is casting doubt on Barack Obama’s claim...
  20. Shotline

    Why can't people like this just start with themselves?,2933,315342,00.html God, what is there to say?