Search results

  1. L

    How does insurance get its money back?

    Hi. Long story short, my bike was rear-ended, the repairs cost around $500. I paid out of pocket and about a week later the other guy's insurance company sent me a check for that amount. However, several days later I also got a check for the same amount from my own insurance company. I'm...
  2. L

    Opening a band clip on a Honda

    Hello. I was trying to remove the front cowl on my 2014 Honda CB500F. Did everything the shop manual told me to do - removed left middle cowl, disconnected the sub-harness and was about to get on to removing the cowl itself, when I noticed that the sub-harness wire is held in place by something...
  3. L

    Things to check after been rear-ended

    I was waiting at the red light when a guy in the next lane have decided to merge into mine and in the process bumped into my rear tire and propelled me forward several meters at which point I dropped the bike. He was going pretty slowly, so there is no apparent damage to the bike outside of...
  4. L

    Measuring chain slack

    Hello. My question is simple, but I haven't found a definitive answer for it online, so asking here. I want to adjust the chain a little bit and have all the necessary equipment and measurements for it, but am unclear on one thing: Is the proper slack distance measured between a bottom part...
  5. L

    Too much coolant in the reserve tank

    Hello. I have recently changed coolant in my Honda CB500F, but ended up putting a little bit more coolant in the reserve tank then recommended - its level is about 2cm above the "Higher" line on the tank. I read online and everyone keeps saying that it's OK, because the engine will get rid of...
  6. L

    Prescription glasses for motorcycle in SF

    Hi. About a year back I have realized I needed prescription glasses for night driving. Got regular glasses, but as you might expect they are not so good on a motorcycle because if I keep the shield open, cold air goes around the glasses and makes me all teary-eyed, but if I close the shield...
  7. L

    Dealing with rust

    Hi. I noticed a little spot of rust on my steering bar in a place where the paint has been chipped off. It's tiny, but irritating nonetheless, especially when in this weather. Any recommendations on how to get rid of it (rust)? Thanks! Luka
  8. L

    Switching gears in motorcycle boots

    Hi. I've been riding for about a year, all of this time in the city. The shoes I was using all this time were these: Very comfortable while providing some protection. I had no problems switching gears in them, could feel the gear...
  9. L

    training spaces in San Francisco

    Hi. I want to practice bike handling on the weekends, but am trying to find a large empty space for it. The only empty parking lot I know is the City College one,but that is where they teach the motorcycle courses that I took. Does anyone know of any other ones in SF? Thanks! Luka
  10. L

    Best way to support caliper while changing wheel.

    Hi. I'm going to change a tire on my Honda CB500F in a couple of days. I've done tire change before, but not on this bike. Steps from service manual look clear enough with one exception, when it says that I need to support brake caliper with something after I take out the wheel. People who have...
  11. L

    New to the forum, hello everyone.

    My name is Luka, I do live on the second floor, and have recently switched from a scooter to Honda cb500F. Nice to meet you all. Luka