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  1. TheRobSJ

    The day is upon us...THE iPhone 5 thread

    Surprised I haven't seen any hype thread here in the sink yet. Maybe some is in the Samsung lawsuit thread. But we're just a few hours away from millions around the world having a simultaneous nerdgasm with the announcement of Apple's 6th generation iPhone...or "iPhone 5" as it's being called...
  2. TheRobSJ

    So what are you "known for" by your coworkers?

    Thought this would make an interesting topic. So most of the time when we think of someone, it's usually by what they do for a living. "Oh yeah, Rob the mechanic...that guy" or something like that. But what if we remove the occupational association? Since many if not all of them are all in...
  3. TheRobSJ

    Another deer strike vid...

  4. TheRobSJ

    Big fire in Santa Clara!

    Not too often you hear of a five alarm fire in Santa Clara. Mercury News Story Aaaaaaand all this happened 200ft from my front door. Probably 10 (future) homes destroyed and at least half a dozen vehicles. Might be more but won't know till morning.
  5. TheRobSJ

    How many inside jokes/memes are on BARF?

    Now that I've been here for pretty much a decade, I've seen quite a bit. And like any group of people, there's a bit of some inside jokes that are thrown around casually. So I get a lot of it when I see it. And it occurred to me that what if I had just signed up a few months ago and was...
  6. TheRobSJ

    Post pics of what you got for Xmas!

    Ok thread started a little early, but maybe there's some folks that already have gifts opened for that Jewish thing. Otherwise just a placeholder for tomorrow.
  7. TheRobSJ

    Black Friday----I hate this day more and more every year.

    "Black Friday" used to just be a street name for this day. Or maybe something some newscaster would use air quotes when saying. Now every other tv commercial I saw this week was the retailers just flat out saying Black Friday Sale. Only a couple still stuck with the old guard and said "Day...
  8. TheRobSJ

    Attention mystery meat lovers: MCRIB IS BACK!!!!!1!!

    Yes. It is. Oh yessssssss. And if you wanna come and say how you stopped eating McDonalds way back and don't understand how people can eat that it. Have fun living to be 90. I'll be happy to die at 60 with a McRib in each hand.
  9. TheRobSJ

    Shameless pity fishing thread-I broke my ankle! NSFWish

    WARNING-----if you got a weak stomach, maybe not scroll down. So I twisted the ever-loving shit out of my ankle Saturday night. Apparently I tore some ligaments in my ankle (bad sprain) and did a little multiple fracture job on my fibula. Yay! My first broken bone evar. Going in for...
  10. TheRobSJ

    Some automotive mechanical carnage...

    And it drove in too! Those of you who know car parts will easily say WTF. Those of you that don't...just know that shit ain't supposed to look like this. Anyone else with some gnarly pics feel free to add on. From a clutch job we've got in the shop today... From a very poor running...
  11. TheRobSJ

    Apple fanboys...the mothership is coming.

    Lord Vader, er...Steve Jobs, popped in the Cupertino City Council meeting last night to drop a big anouncement. A brand new ridiculously massive campus to be their new world HQ. It's a four story giagantic ring shaped building. Mostly underground parking, electric power self provided (with...
  12. TheRobSJ

    Flog some American iron this weekend in Santa Clara

    I was taking an alternate route home today, and saw a bunch of tents, cones, and a buttload of new cars in the GA parking lots. So I jumped right on teh intraweb and found out what the hell was going on. General Motors did this several years ago here in the Great America parking lots and it...
  13. TheRobSJ

    Sigh...I really hate flying sometimes.

    So how come I can't take more than a thimble full of shampoo in my carry on, have to take my shoes off, and always get stuck behind the guy who uses like four trays going through the checkpoint? Yet any asshole who's sick that apparently isn't taking more than 2.5oz of nerve agent on or has a...
  14. TheRobSJ

    I'm a grown up now and I want a proper wristwatch. Suggestions/opinons?

    I could swear there was a thread abou this years ago, but I couldn't find it. So, for a few years now I think it's been getting to be a pain in the ass to dig my phone out of my pocket to see what time it is. So I want a watch. Now I've had Casios before with 15 million timers and so on, but...
  15. TheRobSJ

    Dumb ? Shouldn't Windows 7 be backwards compatible with older windows versions?

    Here's the short version. I work at a dealership. The dealership uses this ancient program made by Reynolds & Reynolds. I could have been "isssued" a comp, but I chose to just buy my own (they would have sold me a two year old Dell for $1k otherwise). So I buy a fairly no frills computer...
  16. TheRobSJ

    ATTN Computer experts-I need a better wireless router

    I got my GF an iPad a couple weeks ago. The wifi only version. We figured that's all we needed since we have a witless router at home and she'd been using it with her work laptop which is on 802.11g, though it's been kinda off/on using it in the bedroom. And that location is the furthest away...
  17. TheRobSJ

    OMGROFLWTFZORS!!! Official jesus phone (iPhone 4) thread.

    So Lord Vader made the anouncement today. Available in less than 3 weeks. New OS available right now for older models. Won't bother listing all the new bells and whistles. Just go look for yourself on Apple's site. I've been hanging on to my old 2G long enough. Who else is upgrading?
  18. TheRobSJ

    Another car thread from Rob-Audi Q5 or Infiniti EX35?

    Anyone in BARFland have one of these. I know there's a huge VW crowd so maybe someone has a Q5 at least. Anyways, this ain't for me. This is for my girlfriend. But since I am the great all knowing car guy, I am expected to know everything about these vehicles. I know enough to sound like I...
  19. TheRobSJ

    Dr. Pepper FTW

    Thought about just adding this news to this thread but this is so huge that I just had to have this stand alone with its own thread. I was just cruising through my local (Rivermark) Safeway yesterday and caught an image out of my periph that I hadn't seen in many years. It was a big stack of...
  20. TheRobSJ

    Rebirth of energy 92.7! Sort of. Well...not really.

    Just heard that the morning show (Fernando and Greg) of the old 92.7 will be coming to Movin' 99.7 on Thursday the 12th. This is good news. Even better for me since I couldn't really pick up 92.7 until I drove about 10 miles North of the south bay. But 99.7 comes in just fine. And I think...